Man Goes To A Party At A Friend’s House And Notices That Nobody Is Eating The Food, So He Finishes It All By Himself. Now Everybody Is Angry At His Gulltony.
by Jayne Elliott
If you’re at a party where there’s party food to share and nobody seems to be eating the food, is it okay to finish the leftovers by yourself?
The man in today’s story seemed to think that was a good idea, but now he thinks he might’ve messed up.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
AITA because I ate more than “my share” of a 6 foot party sub last night?
I’m a big fatso, there’s no way around it.
I love to eat which probably borders on addiction but I figure since I’m only hurting myself it’s probably better to just live my life.
I have some great friends although there is no doubt I’m the “harmless, funny token fat guy” of the otherwise pretty good looking group.
I guess that sets the stage enough.
Everyone loved his wings.
Last night my friend hosted UFC and I was invited.
He got a 6 foot party sub. I also brought homemade wings that are sort of my specialty.
Well of course people flocked to the food and I had basically one serving of the sandwich but people devoured my wings and I didn’t get to have a single one.
Which is totally fine that’s why I brought them but maybe an hour later I was starving.
Nobody was eating the sandwich.
I kept eyeing the sandwich and I’d say there was about 3 feet of it left.
I waited an hour, then another half hour and no one had touched it (but they were still munching on chips, pretzels and what not).
So I was like screw it…I took about half of what was left and ate it.
Then the last half sat for another 10-15 minutes and no one said anything so ate the rest.
Now somebody wants part of the sandwich.
Well to be sure as I was swallowing the last bite the host’s girlfriend asked where the sandwich was.
Like I was the guilty party pretty much everyone pointed at me.
I guess they’d noticed me eating the sandwich.
She was furious and said that I was an incredible pig and that I had been super selfish to eat 3 feet of a sandwich.
Saying “sorry” didn’t seem to help.
I felt so bad I tried to explain to her that I really did wait over an hour and thought people had lost interest.
I also tried to explain how everyone had ate my wings and she said something along the lines of “you brought them to share Alan, if someone had eaten over half by themselves that’s not sharing is it?”
I offered to order pizza or even go get subways and she said that it was a pathetic offer because the party sub had been from a local shop owned by her friends.
I said I was sorry but the night was so tense from then on out.
His sisters think he messed up.
I woke up this morning to several texts from my twin sisters (the host’s girlfriend’s best friends) saying that I had to get my stuff under control and that everyone is really mad at me and that I embarrassed myself last night.
I tried to explain to them what my mindset had been and they haven’t responded.
AITA for eating that much of the sandwich last night?
Three feet of a sub sandwich by yourself? Wow. That’s kind of impressive, and also, no, I don’t think he should’ve done that.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This probably isn’t the first time this has happened.
Having a second serving would’ve been fine.
This behavior is not okay.
He definitely wasn’t sharing.
This reader is impressed.
Just because nobody else is eating it doesn’t mean you should finish it.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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