Manager Publicly Berates Teenage Employee Over A Pricing Error, But After Customers Report Him He Ends Up Losing His Job
by Heather Hall
Working in retail can be tough, but dealing with an unprofessional manager can make it unbearable.
What would you do if your boss humiliated you in front of customers for a mistake you didn’t make? Would you stand up for yourself? Or would you take the abuse to keep your job?
In today’s story, one employee found themselves in this very predicament. Here’s what happened.
Yell at me in front of customers, lose your job
This was about 28 years ago. At the age of 16, I had my first job at Circuit City.
Around the holidays, the prices for items would change, and it was someone’s assigned job to go around and place the new price tags.
One day, I was helping a couple who were confused about a tag on a brand-new speaker. Now, I don’t remember exactly how it went, but it was something like the tag read 1.99 and was supposed to be 199$.
Thinking back, if this were me, I would’ve bought all of them and called it a day, lol.
Knowing the price was wrong, they called the manager for help.
But they weren’t a scummy couple and wanted to know what the actual price was. It was ringing in at 1.99$.
So I went and got the manager.
Alongside the couple in the aisle, we all looked at the tags, and he started screaming at me, “Are you STUPID?!?” and had his pointy finger in my face while yelling.
The couple left the store without purchasing anything, and my day went on being scolded by him.
The employee didn’t want to get fired.
Even though it was not my fault that it was mislabeled, he made me feel like it was. I should’ve noticed it and must be so dumb.
I took the abuse because I feared being fired from my first job and right before Christmas.
My next shift was a few days later, and I was immediately called into his office.
I was having a panic attack.
Here we go. I’m getting fired, I thought.
The couple did everyone a favor.
Well, it turns out that the couple was so disgusted by his behavior that they called the company and complained.
I sat in his office with a manager from another location while he apologized to me and then left.
I later found out he lost his job.
Wow! That was such a nice thing for the couple to do.
Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit have to say about the couple’s actions.
Maybe, but the employee didn’t make a complaint, so maybe not.
Yes! It does serve them right!
Here’s someone who also got cursed out by a manager at 16.
As this comment points out, this story is a nice change of pace.
We need more customers like this!
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad manager, circuit city, customer complaint, fired boss, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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