Grumpy Neighbor Kept Complaining To The HOA About The Grass In His Yard, So He Found An Ingenious Solution That Ruined Her Yard
by Mila Cardozo
Some people make it their life’s mission to supervise other people’s yards and report them to their Home Owner’s Association.
In this case, this man’s neighbor kept complaining about a few spots of grass that were higher than the rest in his yard, so he found a solution that she certainly did not like.
Let’s read the story.
Neighbor complained to the HOA about my yard
So, I have a “Karen” for a neighbor.
She’s a grumpy person with a live-in son in his 40s and no other family or friends.
And when I say she’s a Karen we’re talking to the point that she came into my property to yell at our landscaper about a boulder he was installing… on our property (something about believing it would fall over… onto more of our property…)
The HOA is NOT happy.
A few months after we moved in we receive a letter trying the HOA saying they’d received complaints and asking that we make sure we’re mowing watering and maintaining.
I chalked it up to moving into a nicer neighborhood and made an effort to mow twice a week instead of my normal once, added a little time to the sprinklers, and figured all was good…
Apparently, it was not all good as we received another letter stating the complaints had continued and the HOA wanted to talk with us to see what the problem was.
The yard wasn’t that bad.
I should note, that we had just moved in not that long ago, and hadn’t landscaped the back yet so were letting our dogs pee on the front at night, which led to the inevitable patches of bright green grass that grew stupid fast.
Now I’ll freely admit I don’t keep my yard to the level of some of my neighbors, but it was in perfectly good shape outside some green spots in an otherwise average-looking yard and I do my best to keep things mowed and looking decent.
So it was only one detail in an otherwise well-kept yard.
Turns out our grumpy neighbor had taken real offense to this and started complaining to the HOA.
The “hearing” ended up bringing mostly incoherent rambling, but the bottom line was she didn’t like how our lawn looked with the green spots…
Well, he finally grew tired of this and decided to “comply”.
While the HOA agreed this was not her business and definitely not theirs.
I decided she was right and we should stop letting our dogs out in the front to pee as I also don’t like the green spots.
Now, I put them on the leash and let them do their business in her yard (read: tree lawn).
And I’m clearly not the only one as her entire yard is now COVERED in pee spots and dead spots on her actual lawn which my dogs don’t step on.
I’m pretty sure she’s complained about everyone with a dog, and now the entire neighborhood takes their dogs to her yard.
It backfired.
The best part, she actually does a bad job taking care of her lawn, weeds and crabgrass everywhere, she just waters it almost nonstop.
So today I got to report her to the HOA for her yard looking like total garbage.
If it were any other house (there are much worse) I wouldn’t care at all, but this lady wanted lawns without spots so I’m just doing my part to enforce her rules…
Be careful what you ask for!
Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this.
A reader shares their thoughts.
Sounds like a good idea.
This commenter sounds baffled.
It was still not good enough though.
Another reader chimes in.
A good tip.
You can’t push people’s buttons indefinitely.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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