Old Boss Wants Her To Give Him Leads For Free, So She Agrees And Fills His List Of Leads With Scammers’ Phone Numbers
by Jayne Elliott
What would you do if your old boss asked you to do work for him for free?
Would you do it, or would you look at him like he was crazy?
In today’s story, the former employee ends up doing both, plus she finds a way to get back at her former boss, and he has no idea what’s really happening.
Let’s find out all the details.
Double compliance
So I was let go during the pandemic last year.
I was already having issues with them and having an interview for a job I knew I would get.
Matter of fact they made an offer seven months prior.
I told my former boss and he had that long to make a counter offer.
He never did.
It doesn’t sound like the other company cared that she got another offer.
I only stuck around for so long because it is easy to transfer all over the world and I am a military spouse.
I told them over and over the other company I now work for was making me a offer.
When I got laid off I told them I would nit come back unless I got a equal or better offer.
They never gave one, so I took the new job and kept it.
Her old boss has a lot of nerve.
Now my new company also has me working in the same stores and locations as my previous company, so I do see the old boss on occasion.
He is still mad I never came back, but acts like I still work for him.
One day he told me he’d greatly appreciate if I continue to give him leads and phone numbers.
Seriously, she doesn’t work for him anymore.
I reminded him I am not working for him anymore and he has people he pays to do that.
He still claimed it would really help him out.
I still told him no.
A week later he asked me again if I could get him leads without him paying me.
I again told him no, and two days later he asked again.
Sometimes she messes with “Nigerian princes.”
Now also like everyone I get “Nigerian princes” who can’t access their money on a daily basis.
Most recently a large number of them have been giving me numbers to call or text.
I don’t unless I am bored and want to waste time wasting their time.
Especially since the more time they waste on me, the less time they spend with victims who fall fir their crap.
They want me to call them but I never do. They keep asking me to do so. So……
This is a great way to get revenge on both parties!
Cue double malicious compliance.
I told the old boss fine okay. I will submit numbers when I get them.
Little did he know he would be getting exactly what he wanted, names and phone numbers.
My Nigerian princes would also get what they wanted, someone to call them.
Any time a Nigerian prince gave me a name and phone number, I put it in my old boss’ website to be signed up as a lead.
I never say who is putting it in.
I just do.
I feel bad for the secretary too.
As a result, his secretary (who I actually feel bad for) has to call these princes and the princes get a plugged up phone line and a free estimate.
This has gone on for some time and the old boss’ follow up system is now full of about hundred’s of Nigerian prince phone numbers.
The reason it is so high is they sell the numbers they call….his office number.
When anyone calls it, his system saves it for follow up.
He is in the process of changing his office number because of at least 50 princes/fbi/irs/lottery winning calling him daily.
I wonder if either party will ever wise up to what’s happening.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.
Here’s another idea to get back at the boss.
This reader liked how the story played out.
Another reader enjoyed the story.
I agree; it sounds like she really didn’t want to leave that first company.
Asking a former employee to work for free is ridiculous!
He was asking for it.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · boss, company, malicious compliance, phone call, picture, reddit, scam, top

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