She Bought The Perfect Gift For A Friend’s Upcoming Birthday, Then Learned Another Friend Wants To Give The Same Exact Gift
by Jayne Elliott
Isn’t it wonderful when you know exactly what to get for someone’s birthday?
You just know the person is going to love it, and you can’t wait to see them open it.
The mistake made in today’s story is that the person who found the perfect gift tells some friends about the gift.
Now, another friend wants to give the exact same gift!
Let’s see how story plays out…
AITA for refusing to sell my friend’s birthday gift to another friend?
Fake names to make it easier.
My friend Janet’s birthday is coming up in a few weeks.
I just got my first grown up job a few months ago so I finally have some money to afford things.
I graduated a year later than all my friends because I had to take a gap year (health issues).
This sounds like a great gift!
This is the first time I’ve actually been able to spend on my friends and family, so I went ahead and got Janet this Burberry perfume she’s been wanting for the longest time.
She wasn’t willing to bring herself to spend that much money on herself.
Sephora’s been having a sale and the perfume was 35% off so it was a great deal.
It was sold out at all the outlets I went to in my area, but my younger cousin’s girlfriend works at a Sephora in a different area of the state so she managed to get a hold of one for me.
Another friend wants to get Janet the same gift.
The issue comes in here: We have another friend, we’ll call her Jodi.
I posted a picture of the perfume on my close friends list (removed Janet so she wouldn’t see) and captioned it something along the lines of finally getting the perfect gift for Janet.
Jodi saw the story and replied immediately saying she was looking for that perfume everywhere but couldn’t find one at all.
She wanted to buy one for Janet as well.
She offered to help, but Jodi is upset.
I told her how I managed to get it and told her to just let me know if she ever needed something from Sephora because I’d ask my cousin’s girlfriend to hold onto it for her.
However, Jodi was really upset and told me it was unfair that I didn’t even tell anyone that I was even considering getting her the perfume because I “usually just get something cheap”.
These are her words exactly.
Realistically, of course I couldn’t spend much on gifts until this year.
I was eating ramen every day quite literally a year ago because of that #brokecollegelife
Jodi wants to buy the perfume from her.
Jodi called me later.
She offered to buy the perfume off me and said that she’d be doing me a favour by taking the load off of me.
That Janet would be happy either way because she’s getting the perfume anyway.
She said it really condescendingly, but this is just how she speaks when she’s upset.
I told her no thank you.
She refused to sell the perfume.
I told her that if she really wanted to gift the perfume to Janet, but I wouldn’t mind putting her name on the card for free.
Janet would think the both of us got it for her and I wouldn’t tell Janet that I actually paid for the whole thing.
She refused this option and so I told her there was nothing else I could do for her.
I added that if she really wanted to get the perfume for her, she should’ve done a better job and tried asking around like I did.
She got upset and said I was being a real jerk for speaking to her that way, but I feel like it was a reasonable thing to say.
She refuses to speak to me now and last I checked, has softblocked me on social media.
AITA here for refusing to sell?
Should I apologise to ensure we don’t ruin Janet’s party that’s happening soon?
Jodi needs to find another gift for Janet. End of story.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader thinks Jodi is acting like a child.
Another person says to ignore Jodi.
Sharing the gift idea before the party was a bad idea.
Seriously, it would’ve been better not to share the gift idea.
Next time, don’t share the gift idea!
When you buy a present, keep it a surprise from everyone until the recipient opens it.
Problem solved.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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