She Thinks Her Close Friend Lied About Being Pregnant, But She’s Not Sure If She Should Tell Their Other Mutual Friends About Her Suspicions
by Sarrah Murtaza
It is true that friendships are based on trust and honesty, but what if your friends lie about really important things? Should you call them out on their lies or just let it got?
This girl suspected her friend of faking a pregnancy, and she’s not sure how to respond to the situation.
Let’s see how the story unfolds.
AITA for planning to tell my friends that our friend’s pregnancy and boyfriend might all be fake?
I (20F) have a friend named Monica (19F), and earlier this year she announced that she was pregnant to our group of friends from her boyfriend.
We all have been supporting her throughout the whole process.
She started noticing unusual things about the pregnancy.
However, there are some things that are really suspicious.
When she announced her gender reveal to us, she couldn’t give us any ultrasound pics (digital or print).
She said that the hospital still had to deliver the pictures to her, but she has never shown us the ultrasound pics, even though it has been months since the gender reveal.
This is where things got fishier…
Also, she said she took last semester off from school because her parents told guidance, and they said they didn’t want a pregnant student walking around campus.
However, they allowed her to return this semester, despite the fact that she should be showing more since she’s in her third term.
By the way, she also does not show at all.
Her stomach has stayed the exact same, despite the fact she should be eight months pregnant now.
They had never seen the baby dad!
There is also her ldr boyfriend. They’ve been dating for 2+ years now, and no one has ever seen, or heard him.
No one knows what he looks like except for the descriptions she gave us, which is that he is a six foot tall premed student, who has a six pack.
No one has ever spoken to him on the phone, even those closest to her in our circle and have known her for ever five years.
He has an Instagram account, but it has no posts, profile pic, or tagged posts. His bio is purely about Monica, and all of his followers are roleplay accounts (they both do online roleplay), or are our friends.
He also comes to visit her every few months from the UK, yet he always has to go before we can hangout him.
If miscarriages are triggering for you, please skip this part.
She recently informed our circle that she had a miscarriage. She said that her baby didn’t make it, and she has to be induced.
She was supposed to be induced this weekend yet she did not leave her house at all (we all have life360), and went to school the very next day.
Things seemed fine on her end after losing the child…
When one of our friends asked about a funeral, she said her parents just want to sweep it under the rug, so there will be no funeral.
All of this written down makes it seem that it is really fake, but I want to state that we did not have a reason to doubt her.
We’ve had each other’s back since high school and we’ve been on many trips and bonding experiences that made us genuinely believe that we were friends for life.
She still loves her friend…
Our friend group started because of Monica.
The only people she told about this pregnancy were our circle and she was very secretive about it.
We cannot think of any motivation or reasons why she would lie, so this mostly stayed at the back of everyone’s mind until her miscarriage.
She is very caring to us friends, even going out of her way to host hangouts and, at times, sponsor people’s meals.
YIKES! That’s a very fishy situation!
Why would the friend ever lie about something so serious?
Let’s find out how the Reddit community felt about this story.
This user thinks this friend will soon come up with something new!
This user shares how her friend was also faking a pregnancy!
Exactly! This user also blames the lying friend in this situation.
That’s right! This user believes this situation isn’t worth sweating over.
This user suggests getting in touch with the girl’s parents over this issue.
The friend’s actions were definitely suspicious.
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