The Guitarfish Has A True Rockstar Look, With Mohawk-Like Thorns On The Back Of Its Head
The ocean is filled with weird fish, and the bowmouth guitarfish definitely deserves a spot on any list of the weirdest.
This fish, scientifically known as the Rhina ancylostoma, has a body like a shark, but its head is flattened out like a ray. It is often called a shark ray because it is almost impossible for the average person to decide which it should be.
Guitarfish do have gills on the underside of their body, however, which means that the experts classify them as rays. In addition, their mouths are on the underside and they eat mostly crustaceans hiding in the sand at the bottom of the ocean, another thing they have in common with rays.
On the top side of their body, however, they have a long back end with several fins and a tail that very much resembles a shark. Of course, the flat head and longer body makes them resemble a guitar, which is where they get their name.
Along the back of their head, they even sport several ridges of sharp growths called thorns. In keeping with the guitar look, these thorns almost look like a mohawk going along the back of its head, giving it a true rockstar appearance.
What the animal uses the thorns for is debated. Some experts believe that it will headbutt predators with the thorns to keep them away. Others think they could serve as a deterrent from anything attempting to attack from above since the guitarfish spends most of its time along the bottom of the ocean.
Whatever the case, these thorns do put it at risk. Sadly, they are prized for use in jewelry, primarily in Thailand, which means fishermen are often looking for the guitarfish. On top of that, their fins are used in some popular food dishes, putting them at risk in the same way that sharks are for their fins.
All of these threats from humans have taken their toll, resulting in the guitarfish being placed on the critically endangered list by the IUCN.
Hopefully more can be done to protect this unique animal that swims the oceans throughout much of the Indo-West Pacific.
The guitarfish is a real rockstar.
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