Friends From College Asked Her Husband If He Reads Fiction And He Said No, She Chimed In And Told Them He Isn’t Well Educated
by Mila Cardozo
Although going to college is a huge accomplishment, not everyone follows this path.
This doesn’t mean they’re less intelligent. Unfortunately, this woman and her friends didn’t get the memo, and after they insulted her husband, he was rightfully upset.
But does she really owe him an apology for what she said?
Let’s analyze the situation.
AITA for telling my friends that my husband isn’t well read?
Background: My husband (let’s call him Will) is in the Navy, and he works on nuclear reactors on submarines.
We’ve been together for 4 years, married for 2.
Well, actually, he sounds pretty smart.
We were at a small house party with a few friends of mine from college and we were discussing books we’ve all read.
At one point, one of my friends (let’s call him Steve) asks Will, “So Will, what’s your favorite book?” and my husband responds, “Oh, I really like To Kill A Mockingbird.”
This was a perfectly okay response, but not good enough for her friends.
Then Steve gives him a quizzical look and asks him, “Have you read any books outside of high school?” and Will hesitates a bit and says, “Outside of manuals at work, I guess I haven’t.”
So then I try to explain to Steve, “Oh yeah, he’s not well educated, so he’s never had a reason to be well-read.”
Ouch! She spoke for him, and that sounded very rude, especially given the setting.
We all had a good laugh, but then Will didn’t really contribute a whole lot to the conversation the rest of the night.
On the car ride back, Will was pretty quiet. I ask if he’s fine and all he says in a sarcastic tone is, “Peachy.”
I ask him if I did anything to upset him and he responds back with, “I don’t know. I don’t think I’m educated enough to properly explain myself.”
I told him I didn’t tell my friends that he was unintelligent, just that he wasn’t college-educated.
Maybe she meant something else, but it came off as rude.
He accused me of minimizing how hard his Navy schooling was, but I explained that military education and college education are simply not the same.
We continued to fight until we got home.
I texted my sister about what happened and she called me a huge ******* and that I need to apologize and now I’m having second thoughts about how I handled this.
She and her friends seem to think they are smarter than him because they attended college.
Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this.
A reader shares their point of view.
A condescending comment.
Plain and simple.
Explain it to her like she’s five.
Another commenter chimes in.
Well, that wasn’t very smart, was it?
Fun fact: The man with the highest IQ in the world works as a farmer.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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