Finance Worker Was Staying With His Girlfriend And It Was his Turn To Host A Work Gathering Came Up. So When She Offered To Let Him Host It At Her Place, He Told Her That He Won’t Because He Can’t Stand Her Home Decor.
by Michael Levanduski
When you have your own home or apartment, you can decorate it any way that you see fit.
What would you do if your girlfriend had very unusual taste in home decor, but then she got offended when you told her that these decorations are the reason you don’t want to have work friends over?
That is what the guy in this story is dealing with, and he wonders if he shouldn’t have told her why he isn’t hosting a work party at her place.
Let’s see why he doesn’t like her home decor.
AITA for telling my girlfriend her home decor is the reason I won’t host a work gathering at her place.
I’ve (M32) been with my girlfriend (F29) for over a year now.
She’s smart, funny, a bit quirky, and has a serious job with a good salary.
We have a great time together and generally get along very well.
The only thing is her choice in home ‘decor’ is bizarre, to put it frankly, and not something you think a normal, grown adult would be into.
Nothing wrong with that.
Her apartment is definitely a reflection of herself and interests.
Not in the best way though.
My girlfriend has wall dedicated to animation in one room of her apartment, like Futurama pieces and etchings of some weird triangle guy.
Then there’s the wall of framed preserved insects in another room.
But not insects like butterflies or moths. Instead she displays tarantulas, beetles, and large stick insects.
Her bathroom has a subtle theme of the ocean-pretty common.
That’s definitely unusual.
But instead of starfish or shells, she has a little anglerfish nightlight, a small vampiric squid painting, and then a framed diagram of what apparently is a Goblin Shark right by the toilet.
I would say a majority of her home decor and furnishings are okay.
The apartment itself is very modern and sleek.
It’s just the random decor and juvenile-ish themes like cartoons, insects, and bizarre ocean creatures, is off putting.
This is where I might be the AH.
I avoid bringing people over to her place, especially people from my job, because of how juvenile it looks.
Everyone’s impressed when they see the high rise, but that quickly fades once you enter.
I wonder if this person was joking a little bit.
The one time I brought a work colleague over they ended up telling me after that they found her insect wall terrifying.
I work in finance and appearances and first impressions are important.
My office will hold casual gatherings where we get together for a few drinks, good food, and we rotate hosts.
And this time, it’s my turn.
The problem is my place is under some construction and not an ideal place to be right now, so I’ve been staying with my girlfriend.
That is a very nice offer.
My girlfriend suggested that we host my colleagues here since she has the space and thinks it’ll be fun.
I told her I planned on skipping my rotation and seeing if the next person would be okay with hosting early.
She kept pressing on why I didn’t want them over here, so I finally said it’s because her home decor is strange and not something a grown woman would have, and also that her insect wall horrified the one colleague that did come over.
She has to understand that while she has the right to decorate how she wants, that will impact other people who visit.
My girlfriend got mad and said at the end of the day, it’s not my space and these things bring her joy.
She also said that she is indeed an adult woman, which is exactly why her apartment is decorated in such a manner.
I love my girlfriend, I do.
And it’s okay to have different interests, but does an adult really need to decorate with them besides a few things here and there?
I mean, my own mother asked if my girlfriend was autistic after she saw the entire apartment for the first time.
So Reddit, was I wrong for telling my girlfriend her home decor is the reason I won’t host a work gathering at her place?
She has every right to decorate her place however she wants, but of course it will have some impact on people who visit and she needs to accept that as well.
Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say.
This is an excellent response.
Here is someone who thinks the girlfriend sounds cool.
This person thinks he is ‘gatekeeping’ adulthood.
Wow, this is a bit of an overreaction.
This person thinks he is being judgmental.
She needs to know that some people won’t like her decor, and that’s ok.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, anime, anime decorations, boyfriend, bugs, decorations, drama, friends, girlfriend, home decor, insects, picture, reddit, top, work gathering, workplace

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