An Angry Man Wouldn’t Stop Honking At A Woman In A Drive-Thru, So She Made Him Look Foolish When She Paid For His Coffee
by Matthew Gilligan
I know it seems like the entire world is on fire right now, but can we all just take a deep breath, people?
There are way too many people out there right now acting like the guy in this story and all they do is contribute negativity to the world!
But maybe he learned a lesson from this experience…
Check out the story below and see what you think.
Drive thru drama. How to deal with an angry honking man.
“I worked at a popular coffee chain with a busy drive thru.
It was a sunny morning, the birds were chirping, and some jerk was laying on his horn in my drive thru.
Excuse me?
I never did figure out why he started.
Maybe he thought she cut him off pulling in.
Maybe she was too slow pulling forward.
Maybe she took too long at the menu board.
It didn’t really matter.
By the time she got to the drive thru window, she was done with his **** in the way a teacher or a mom might be with a misbehaving, loud child.
She was a put-together middle aged woman with a smooth gray bob.
I told her the total and she gave me her card and said, “I’d also like to pay for the gentleman behind me.”
You got it!
We shared a smile.
I’m sure you can imagine the looks on our faces.
I got her on her merry way and he pulled up, red-faced and huffing.
In my most cheerful customer service voice, I said, “the woman in front of you actually paid for your coffee! You don’t have to give me anything.”
Y’all. His. Brain. Broke.
He started questioning me.
“What do you mean? Why can’t I pay for the coffee? Just charge me for my coffee.”
I played along as best I could, cheerful smile plastered across my face.
“This coffee is all paid for, but I’d be happy to make you another one if you’d like to pay for something!”
We went in circles like this for a solid minute or two before he, even more ****** off than before, slammed on the gas and screeched his way out of the parking lot.
I’m sure he went on to take out his misery on many more people that day.
Her attitude had a big impact on me and I carry it with me to this day when dealing with unpleasant people, many years and jobs later.”
Reddit users shared their thoughts.
One reader had a lot to say.
Another individual shared a story.
This Reddit user nailed it.
Another person shared their thoughts.
Sometimes, being kind to people can make them realize how foolish they look.
This is the best revenge story I’ve read in awhile.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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