Disabled Person Desperately Needs To Use The Bathroom, But Two People Are Holed Up In The Disabled Toilet
by Jayne Elliott
What would you do if you needed to use the disabled bathroom and there were other people using the bathroom?
Would you patiently wait your turn even if you were in a lot of pain?
Or would you say something to the people to let them know this was an urgent situation?
In today’s story, one person shares an incident that happened in a public bathroom, and it’s really plaguing their mind.
They can’t figure out if they were rude or not.
Let’s see how the story plays out.
AITA for asking someone to move out of my way in front of the disabled toilet?
This is something that I’ve been ruminating on for a while.
I went to a show on the weekend.
I’m disabled so rarely go to these things.
An aisle seat is important.
Usually I get an aisle seat so I can go to the loo easily.
Without Oversharing – I have to frequently go and if I don’t it can be very painful.
I have Adenomyosis as well as a neurological disorder.
There wasn’t an aisle seat.
At this show, tickets sold out quickly and my friend booked them and said there wasn’t a way to get to an isle.
So I just had to hold on.
I went before and would go in intermission.
But, worth it. I had a great time.
She couldn’t wait any longer.
At half time, I was very uncomfortable and sore.
So, I got up and hurried to the loo.
I assumed two people standing outside the loo where just leaning on the wall so I walked passed them with my radar key on hand.
They told me they were in the queue, so I waited.
One was very drunk.
She had to wait.
They went in together (there was a pair) and I waited outside.
While I waited, I could smell cigarette smoke.
I have a strong sense of smell.
They took a while in the loo, not that I’m judging, and it probably felt longer as I was in agony at this point and rather grumpy.
So when they came out, they were taking a while.
One of them was corralling the drunk person.
It was taking a while.
She was finally able to use the toilet.
I said ‘excuse me. I can’t hold my bladder.’
They immediately got angry with me.
They said – ‘nether can I! You’re being so rude!’
I responded ‘that’s nice. Can I go pee now?’
As they were still standing in my way, and I am doubled over at this point.
Adenomyosis is not comfortable at the best of times, and I can get very snappy when I’m sore.
I get in, sort myself out in the loo that stinks of cigarettes and get back into the auditorium.
They claimed to have issues too.
When I pass them, they get upset with me again, saying how it was really rude and should be more patient.
I explained that I was in a lot of pain, and apologized for snapping.
They explained that they also had issues and assumed I was just being rude as their illness was invisible.
She can’t stop thinking about it.
Still. AITA?
Is there NAH??
No idea.
I’ve been really stuck and over thinking it.
On one hand, it feels like a big miss understanding.
On the other, it comes to me when I am relaxing and just makes me cringe.
I feel like having exterior opinions would help the mental block.
It doesn’t sound like she was rude, but the other people were.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story.
This reader thinks there could’ve been a nicer way to explain the situation.
This person would’ve snapped too.
It’s not worth worrying about.
Blame nature.
Everyone was rude.
When you’re in pain, it’s hard to be polite.
But it’s time to let it go.
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