Her Boyfriend Wants To Get A Big Dog, But She Wants A Small One Because He’s Gone A Lot With His Army Job
by Matthew Gilligan
Folks, getting a dog is great and everything, but let’s admit it: it’s also A TON of work!
So you can see why the woman you’re about to hear from in this Reddit story got pretty frustrated with her boyfriend about their dog squabble.
Is she to blame?
Read on and see what you think.
AITA for not letting my boyfriend choose a dog?
“Me (22F) and my boyfriend (22M) are moving into our new house in a week.
We’re really excited, but the same heated argument keeps happening – which kind of dog we are going to be getting.
They don’t see eye to eye about this.
I like small, relaxed dogs like chihuahuas.
My boyfriend on the other hand, has always wanted a really big dog.
Think Mastiff, Cane Corso, German Shepherd, Dobermans.
We have always known this about each other.
Now for a bit of context – I work full time in sales and earn a lot of money.
He works in the Army, earns similar but has a lot of bills and debts.
Because of this, I am going to be paying for the majority of the property we are moving into.
It was my idea to move out, I am well aware of his financial situation and it does not bother me, I am happy to pay for mostly everything until he is in a better place.
But I’m talking about 80% or more.
Here’s the deal…
Now also bear in mind the house is a small rental.
So we have a landlord that we will need to go through for these decisions.
It is a ‘pets considered’ property, but my boyfriend doesn’t understand the chances of the landlord saying yes to a massive dog is very slim.
My concerns is that firstly the larger the dog, the more damage it is likely to do to the carpet with pees etc before it is trained.
Also, there’s no dog flap so someone will always have to be regularly at home to let it out.
I do not like big dogs that shed a lot either, like huskies, they are great, but it’s my first house and I would like to keep it relatively clean and free from hair.
And there’s more…
My biggest concern, is that since my boyfriend is in the Army, he has to go away a lot, ranging from 1-6 months at a time.
When he goes away, any pet that we have is going to be solely in my care.
This is going to limit my freedom massively.
Like I said I work full time, and if he goes away for 6 months I am going to have to structure my whole life around the dog with little to no help from anyone else.
I will have to rush straight back home from work to let it out, take it on a long walk after work every day, limit where I can go and what I can do.
I’m also not a very strong person, I struggle to control a smaller mix breed that my mum has on walks so I’m worried about not being able to control a bigger one.
It’s not going well…
My boyfriend gets very angry when I say this all to him and it turns into a big argument.
He argues that the dog will be properly trained by time he needs to go away, that he is allowed to get whatever dog he wants and that I am awful by trying to stop him from doing that.
I am happy to compromise and get a medium-small dog, but he is not happy about this and tells me that I’ve always known that he wanted a big dog and it’s unfair that I’m changing my mind now.
I don’t know what to do.
Am I being unfair?
I’m trying to be logical about the situation and I think it is unfair on me because my needs need to be taken into account as I am going to be looking after it for months when he is away.”
Here’s what Reddit users had to say.
This person said they all SUCK.
Another individual shared their thoughts.
This person didn’t hold back.
Another reader said she’s NTA.
And this reader said she’s to blame.
It sounds like she was gonna do all the heavy lifting.
But a dog of any kind might not be really welcome.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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