Daughter Drew A Giant Mural Of Scooby Doo Years Ago, But Now Her Mom Wants Her To Draw A Another One Of Wile E. Coyote And Won’t Take No For An Answer
by Ashley Ashbee
When you want something from someone, you’ll probably say it’s okay if they can’t do it.
But some people dig their heels in, refusing and guilt tripping.
Check out the mom doing it in this story and the outrageous reason why.
AITA for not drawing a picture on my mom house for her
I can draw from life, but I don’t draw pictures on my own without a reference.
My mom knows this and has asked me to draw her a Wile E. Coyote holding a sign on the side of her house.
I have so far refused.
My reasons for not doing it are because I actually do not overly enjoy drawing anymore on top of the fact that with a whole family including three children.
You’d think it would be case closed, but actually…
I no longer have too much time to myself, let alone to do a project of this size.
This is something she expects me to take the time to do for free.
It takes me days to do a proper drawing.
I have spent weeks drawing a picture for my deceased grandfather for my grandmother that was one tenth the size.
I am estimating that it would take me at least 3 to 4+ weeks to draw this picture on her home at several hours a day. We’re talking a 9-ft by 5 ft mural.
But that doesn’t sway her mom.
I really don’t want to do it and she is pushing for me to do it and not understanding why I do not have the time to do this for her.
She keeps telling me that because I have done it before (a large Scooby doo mural in my previous office room that took nearly a year when I only had one child)…
That I should able to do it for her.
So am I wrong?
Should I just do it because I could have 10 years ago?
I love her but my therapist says I have issues with boundaries and need to stick to them. But my mom make me feel like crap for saying “no.”
Here is what folks are saying.
I think this mom is testing her to see how much she can get with guilt trips.
Yes. It was never about the painting…
You need to be firm with people who are like this.
I sincerely doubt this would work…
Her mom needs to get a hobby.
I wonder what other toxic nonsense this mom pulls.
You know it’s something.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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