Large Family Blocks Other Shoppers At The Grocery Store, But One Man Refuses To Let Them Take The Last Bag Of Croissants
by Jayne Elliott
It can be really frustrating when you’re at the grocery store and another shopper blocks the walkway so that you can’t get through.
In today’s story, it’s a whole family that’s shopping together, and they are making it very difficult for other shoppers to get by.
Just before checking out, one shopper finds a way to get back at them.
Let’s see how the story plays out.
Family taking up allll the space, refuse to let anyone else in
My bf just got home from the supermarket and now I’ve got a petty revenge story, yay.
Before he went to the supermarket to grab a few things my bf asked if there was anything I’d like.
I was craving some croissants so that’s what I asked for.
It was going to be a long wait at the meat aisle.
Bf got to the meat aisle first and found that not only was there a big family taking up the whole section he wanted to get to.
There was already someone else waiting too.
Excuse me was wasted and they seemed to be moving slower and slower.
After waiting for longer than necessary, he decided to get the other things he came for.
He was looking for the croissants.
When bf got back they were still there, so he waited a little longer and of course politely let the other person who was still there go first.
Then he only had my croissants to get.
There wasn’t any left in the bread section but he knew they sometimes had a rack of them at the front.
No, not the last bag of croissants!
As he got there he saw the same family, still spreading out taking up a large section of the aisle, blocking anyone else from getting past.
So he went around the other way as he got to the shelf they took the last bag of croissants.
She thinks he was justified in his action.
Frustrated and not wanting to go the long way he squeezed past, snagging the croissants as he walked by and to the checkout.
Normally I wouldn’t agree with a trolley snatching breech of supermarket etiquette but I think in this case he was justified.
At least she got her croissants!
It’s sweet that her boyfriend was determined to get them for her.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story.
This reader thinks the boyfriend was justified.
Another person thinks the boyfriend is a keeper.
Here’s another grocery store story from the Covid days.
Apparently this would be a bad idea in France.
Here’s another grocery store story about aisle hogs.
I’m really glad he got the croissants for his girlfriend!
You can’t just give those up.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · boyfriend, croissants, grocery store, petty revenge, picture, reddit, shopping, top

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