February 19, 2025 at 3:21 pm

Mom Twists Every Word Into an Insult, So New Parent Asks for Space To Sort Out Her Feelings

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Engin Akyurt

Setting boundaries with family is hard, but once you’re a parent yourself, it can become clear that you need to be able to draw some hard lines.

Setting them with a mom who turns everything into a personal attack?

Nearly impossible.

Read on for the story.

AITA for asking my dad to tell my mom I don’t want to see her for a while?

I have a 5-month-old baby and had just put her to bed when I got a long voice message from my mom.

I had already decided not to check her messages at night after one two days ago, which left me crying for hours.

Tonight, she accidentally sent me a message meant for my aunt, talking badly about me and my fiancée.

She mentions how she lent us $100 and complained about my fiancée’s reaction when she visited.

He greeted her teasingly after she acted all startled when he said hi, but she described it as intimidating, saying she wouldn’t visit alone again.

She also expressed frustration that I tell her she misunderstands things and takes my words out of context—our biggest issue.

Ah, family drama: the gift that keeps on giving…even at bedtime!

She then brought up something I said after a baby shower weeks ago.

After being out for more than 6 hours, I was anxious to get back to my baby.

fSeeing a long wait at the border (what I thought was at least 3 hours more), I told her, “I think I’ll just walk and have my fiancée pick me up.”

She felt hurt, thinking I didn’t value our time together.

Two nights ago, I told her how grateful I was for my mother-in-law sending us gifts, just recently they bought a full-size crib for our daughter since we only have a mini currently and she is quickly outgrowing it.

I tried to not make her feel left out, which had been an issue before and quickly pointed out how she and my dad had also been generous, and how so many things we own are gifts from them.

Nothing like a guilt trip with a side of border control drama.

I used past tense, saying they were generous, and she fixated on that, later sending an audio saying she couldn’t believe I’d imply she no longer is.

I immediately apologized, explaining my poor wording, but it led to another argument where after I was crying for hours, I finally admit feeling like my words are under constant scrutiny and it often feels like she vents out her frustrations at me.

This is just the latest.

She was upset last year because I didn’t offer to pay for her purchases at a discount store, despite knowing we were struggling financially.

I had called her earlier that day and explained if we did go shopping, I would sadly not be able to pay for her.

When I was 9 months pregnant, she had a meltdown because I didn’t immediately post pictures of her baby shower gifts on social media, ignoring my explanation that I was working on a separate post to thank her.

Her love language is clearly ‘finding things to be offended by.’

She cried all day, ignored my apologies, and dismissed the post once it was up.

My fiancee was furious saying I was far too pregnant for my mom to be upsetting me the way she was.

I’m exhausted.

After tonight’s message, I don’t want to see her for a while.

No matter what I say or do, she always sees malicious intent and gets hurt feelings.

Yesterday night, I called my dad and said she was welcome to visit the baby, but I didn’t want to see her for a while.


At what point does protecting your peace take priority over managing someone else’s feelings?

Reddit weighs in..

This person says NTA and to just stop engaging with her altogether.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person relates hard.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person gives some great suggestions.

Source: Reddit/AITA

If overreacting were a sport, Mom would be an Olympic gold medalist.

Maybe a break is the best thing for everyone.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.