Boyfriend Leaves Clothes In A Hotel Closet, But Then Insists His Girlfriend Should Pay For The Loss Because She Was In Charge Of The Final Sweep
by Heather Hall
Being thorough is important, but expecting someone else to be responsible for your belongings can lead to frustration.
Imagine packing up a hotel room and doing a final check, only to later realize that something was forgotten. Would you feel responsible for the loss? Or would you expect the person who left the items behind to take some accountability?
In the following story, one girlfriend is dealing with this exact scenario after leaving her boyfriend’s clothes behind. Here’s what happened.
WIBTA for not paying to replace clothes that my boyfriend left in a hotel room when he asked me to double check that we got everything?
My boyfriend and I were staying in a hotel. He had to leave to pick up our rental car, and I stayed to pack up. He had already packed all his stuff (note: we did share one bag), but he asked me to double-check that he got everything.
He kept a few items in the closet, but since I hadn’t used them, I missed looking there during my check.
After we departed, he realized he didn’t have the 4 clothing items that were in the closet. That was a huge bummer, and I felt really bad, given they were some of his favorite items.
I apologized for missing the closet.
He is still talking about the situation.
He got pretty upset at me, although it was an honest mistake on my end.
He didn’t end up getting the clothes back, but the hotel gave him a couple of free nights on a different trip plus free breakfast so that likely covered the cost of the clothes.
He later brings up that he expected me to pay for some of his clothes he lost since it was my fault they were left behind.
I don’t mind supporting him in that, but I don’t feel like he should’ve gotten so angry at me, given he left so many in the closet, and it was a mistake for me not to look there since I hadn’t used it.
Wow! That is some situation they’re in.
Let’s check out what the readers over at Reddit have to say about it.
This person is on the boyfriend’s side.
On the other hand, this person sticks up for her.
Here’s someone who sees both sides.
According to this comment, there are no winners here.
They both should take a little blame.
In this situation, the best thing they can do is admit they each played a role and move on.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, closet, hotel room, lost item, picture, reddit, relationship drama, top

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