Bride Keeps Planning Wedding Without Including Her Maid of Honor, So Her Sister Backs Out Months Before the Big Day
by Diana Whelan

Being a Maid of Honor is supposed to be, well, an honor.
But what happens when you’re left out of every major decision, slowly sidelined, and replaced without being told?
One woman finally had enough and backed out—but now she’s the villain in her family’s eyes.
Check it out.
AITA for telling my sister that I don’t want to be her Maid of Honor 4 months before the wedding?
My (30F) half-sister, Terra (22F), and I have had a rocky relationship since she was a teen, but we were getting closer after she got pregnant over two years ago.
When she got engaged, she asked me to be her maid of honor, and I was so excited to get to plan everything with her.
My mother (51F) and I were trying to plan things with Terra through calls and texts, having Terra select a date, getting a venue picked out and booked, and filling out the save the dates (it’s in four months and they still haven’t gone out), but Terra kept procrastinating at every step.
Sounds like your classic bridezilla.
Our mother initially said she would only pay for Terra’s dress, but, since Terra and her fiancé are a single income household, Mom was essentially guilted into paying for almost everything.
Our mom and Terra’s fiance’s mom are even going to try and cater the wedding themselves, at this point.
Aside from that, I was planning the bachelorette party.
I asked for Terra’s input, but was taking care of the planning myself, also including the bridesmaid’s to see what they thought.
My stepsister, Terra’s half-sister, Haley (30F), dismissed what I was planning to tell me Terra wanted something else.
This was my first indication that they were making plans together without talking to me, but I included Haley’s ideas into my plan.
That’s never fun.
Since then, Terra’s been getting more distant from me, preferring to make plans with Haley, including an amusement park trip the entire wedding party knew of that I learned about today.
After learning that Haley’s been involved in conversations with the groomsmen and Terra’s friend coming in from out of town that I can’t contact, I was finally getting fed up.
Today, I reached out to Terra and asked if she still wanted me to be her maid of honor, since Haley seems to be who she wants to plan everything with.
Terra told me she did want me to be the maid of honor, but then also confirmed my fears of being replaced by saying that Haley has been heavily involved in planning recently.
Sooo, she’s NOT crazy.
I asked why I wasn’t included in the planning conversations and Terra lashed out at me over semantics.
After listening to her refuse to address what I was saying, I started to tell her how I didn’t want to be her maid of honor any more.
She stopped me once I got that out, telling me that was all I needed to say before hanging up on me.
Afterward, I called our mother and let her know what happened, but she turned it around on me, telling me that I was in the wrong.
I really don’t know where I stand now, so am I the *******?
Guess some wedding roles come with more strings attached than expected…
This person says Sis is too immature to be walking down the aisle.
This person says she dodged a bullet by backing out.
And this person knows exactly what’s going on…and she made the right choice.
If you’re going to ghost your Maid of Honor, maybe don’t be shocked when she bows out.
This wedding (and marriage) is not going off without a hitch.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bachelorette, bride, drama, family, half sister, maid of honor, picture, reddit, sister, top, wedding

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