March 4, 2025 at 8:21 am

His Colleague Made Fun Of Him And Called Him A Crybaby, So Little By Little He Messed With His Colleague’s Stuff To Inconvenience Him

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

Bullies seem to think their victims won’t fight back. That’s not always the case.

This man shares his experience with his supervisor who insulted and made fun of him.

While he couldn’t insult his supervisor back, he did find a way to get paycheck, and he’s been doing it for months!

Read the story below and find out what he’s been up to.

Colleague made fun of me and in return I mess with his stuff for months.

I work in a big company as a leader of a Maintenance Team.

One of our technical supervisors sat on my desktop chair.

(He does some kind of planning and organizing job).

This was when I came in for shift change about six months ago.

The supervisor messed with this man’s chair.

He had messed with my chair, moving it at the lowest possible position and lowering the angle of the backside, like he planned to sleep in the chair.

So I complained to him that I have to adjust it back, which is not a big deal.

But then he started to make fun of me in a really annoying manner.

He called me a crybaby and was seriously upset about my complaint. He just didn’t stop.

As payback, he messed with his stuff, too.

The thing is I now usually work night shifts, and I have access to his office (it’s a big office for twenty people).

So I waited for some time and then started to mess with his stuff about three months ago.

He messed with a lot of things!

I pulled the plug of his mouse so it’s loose multiple times.

I changed the height of his chair just a bit but enough to be realised.

I rearranged the stuff on his desk.

Every single item, from left to right most of the time.

He made a lot of little inconveniences.

I ate Drops and put one little drop of sugar on his return key.

I loosened the screw of his armrest a bit so it wasn’t fixed anymore.

I exchanged the mine of a pen with an empty one… twice.

I pulled about twenty pages of a post-it apart and put them back together so they barely stick anywhere.

And some more.

Lots of little inconviniences about two times a week for the last months.

Wow – that’s never ending revenge!

Let’s check out the comments of other people on Reddit.

This person shares what they used to do.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

People are sharing their petty ideas.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Here’s more…

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This user shares their personal thoughts.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Finally, some advice from this person.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Sometimes all it takes is a little creativity to get back at your bully.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.