Man’s Ex Has A Baby Monitor Camera That Allows Her To Watch Her Baby Even When The Kid Is At His House, And His New Girlfriend Is Not Okay With This Invasion Of Privacy By His Ex
by Sarrah Murtaza
Some families have really complicated domestic settings, and it can often be tricky to navigate through them.
For example, when a couple splits up and they have a child, it only gets more complicated when one of the parents starts dating again.
This woman is dating a man with a little girl, and the child’s ex is really annoying her.
Check out the full story!
WIBTAH if I requested my boyfriend take the baby monitor camera access away from his ex.
I’ll keep this short but their daughter is three.
They’ve been spilt for just over a year and his ex still has access to the camera at night when he puts their daughter to bed.
She has been really annoying!
If he accidentally leaves the light on the ex will text him and tell him.
If daughter is throwing a fit the ex will end up texting him and asking what’s going on.
If daughter pulls a toy into her crib the ex will text and comment on it.
It gets even more annoying!
They cooperant okay. The ex is a bit controlling though. Helicopter parent. There is so much their honestly.
I am bothered by it and I think its weird/ invasive and creepy.
That also means I can’t get her up in the morning or I’ll make it on the camera and baby momma is not okay with me being apart of their daughters life at all.
So would I be TA?
Geez! How can someone be so irritating?
Three seems old enough to no longer need a baby monitor.
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one.
This user wants to know for how long this couple has been together.
This user has a great suggestion to block the ex’s view.
This user has some technical parenting questions from this couple!
That’s right! This user knows both the parents need to divide their time with the kid.
Exactly! This user knows the ex simply wants to control this family!
The mother is being too nosy!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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