March 15, 2025 at 12:35 pm

Roommate Dumps His Cooking Duties On Others, But When Another Rommie Lets His Dinner Burn, He Got Pretty Livid

by Diana Whelan

pizza cooking in oven


One roommate has a habit of starting dinner and then vanishing, expecting the nearest person to finish the job.

The rest of the house enables him, but one person finally had enough.

When he pulled his usual stunt, they refused—and let his food meet its fiery fate.

Now he’s acting like he’s been personally starved.

Check it out.

AITA for not keeping an eye on my roommates food, causing it to burn?

I have recently (within the last 6 months) moved into a new house with new people, I knew two of the guys prior to moving in and they basically saved me and my cat from having to live on the streets.

The adjustment has been a bit of a struggle but I’m already in a place where I feel like I can be freely myself, a place where I can stand up for myself and say no when I need to.

This whole incident, however, has me questioning myself, though.

One of my roommates, let’s call him Bozo, has some habits that I’ve noticed and that I find really freaking annoying.

For example, he’ll leave his still mostly dirty dishes in the dish dryer, so one of us ends up having to rewash all of his.

Sounds like Bozo expects the dish dryer to do the scrubbing for him.

The cause of this post is one of these habits.

We all cook our own meals unless someone decides they want to cook for everyone or that they want to order out for themselves or for us all.

Bozo will begin cooking his food but after a while he’ll sigh and tell the nearest person to watch over his food and male sure it doesn’t burn while he’s gone.

I’ve come to learn ends with one of the roommates cooking and plating his food and bringing it to him 90% of the time.

They’re enablers, I know, but it’s been their home for way longer than it’s been mine and I don’t feel confident enough to speak up and to bring up this issue I’m seeing.

I don’t even know if it is is an issue for them.

Bozo’s got himself a personal chef rotation, and no one’s calling him out on it.

On to the incident.

A few days ago, I was in the lounge, and Bozo was starting the usual process he goes through when he does this.

He made a racket with the dishes and trays, messily dumped all of the frozen food onto them and threw them (not an overstatement, he’ll literally open the oven door and just throw the tray inside).

Then after maybe ten minutes I hear the sigh as he exits the kitchen. “Keep an eye on my dinner’ okay?” he tells me he doesn’t even look at me when he talks.

I feel like he’s just disrespectful and kind of demanding, and so I say no, I won’t.

Bozo literally turns, rolls his eyes and smirks at me, and then leaves the room anyway and goes wherever he goes.

About half an hour later, I’m no longer alone in the lounge.

Peach has joined me, and he smells the burning food before I do and goes into the kitchen to save whatever he can.


Bozo comes back through and he is angry, he rants about ‘the new kid’ messing everything up and how he’s going to starve now that I burned his food.

(like it’s entirely my fault and there isn’t a whole kitchen full of food he can still make).

I ignore him mostly because he isn’t talking to me, just about me to Peach who apparently agrees fully with Bozo that I’m in the wrong here and that I ‘should know better at my age’, but surely the guy demanding people and using weaponised incompetence to get his way should also know better??

The others aren’t really taking sides (I don’t expect them to but Bozo has been going to everyone and complaining about his ruined dinner) but now I feel bad for wasting the food and for inconveniencing Bozo so I’m wondering AITA?

Weaponized incompetence finally backfired—literally.

But somehow, he’s the victim for not having a personal chef on call?

This person says NTA, but has some good advice for next time.

Screenshot 2025 02 27 at 8.25.10 AM e1740662764925 Roommate Dumps His Cooking Duties On Others, But When Another Rommie Lets His Dinner Burn, He Got Pretty Livid

This person says Bozo is quite the bozo.

Screenshot 2025 02 27 at 8.25.22 AM e1740662782376 Roommate Dumps His Cooking Duties On Others, But When Another Rommie Lets His Dinner Burn, He Got Pretty Livid

And this person agrees…absolutely NTA here.

Screenshot 2025 02 27 at 8.25.36 AM e1740662777811 Roommate Dumps His Cooking Duties On Others, But When Another Rommie Lets His Dinner Burn, He Got Pretty Livid

Well, you know how the saying goes…

Play stupid games, eat burnt prizes.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.