March 10, 2025 at 1:49 pm

This Woman’s Mom Asked Her Friends And Family Members To Pray For Her To Find A New Job, But She’s Not Happy About Everyone Knowing Her Business

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA

Have you ever had someone say that they’ll pray for you before?

It’s pretty condescending, don’t you think?

Well, that’s what I think, and the woman who wrote this story on Reddit definitely agrees with me.

Did she take things too far when it came to her mother?

Let’s see what’s going on here…

AITA for yelling at my mother for asking people to pray for me?

“I (F27) went to visit my parents (F62 and M66) for Christmas this year, like I do every year.

I work in film, and am currently out of work, like most of the industry.

She’s trying!

I am applying for jobs almost every day, am on unemployment, and am struggling to find work – even work outside of the industry.

Because of this, it’s been a big stressor, and is kind of embarrassing to me, as I pride myself in working hard.

I relayed this to my mom, keeping her updated on the job hunt each week when she asks, and told her that not having a job was hard on me.


A few weeks ago, I received a message from a family member, telling me they are praying for me as I find the right job and that they’re sorry about the situation.

I thanked them, not thinking much of it.

I came to my parent’s house today to celebrate the holiday, and she had cards from a Christmas party for me from a lot of extended relatives.

Nice, right?

Well, almost all of them mentioned something about “praying for your job hunt” and “hope you find the right one.”

Some included advice on finding a job, like going to a place in person and insisting on speaking to a manager about the job.

I got quiet as I opened each card, and mom asked what was wrong.


I told her it didn’t feel good that she was telling people that I was unemployed, as it hurt being reminded each day that I am failing to find the right job.

I told her I appreciated the prayers, but really would rather it stay between us that I don’t have work, explaining my feelings.

Mom blew up on me, telling me that “it’s all in my head.”

She said people were being nice to pray for me, and that she didn’t understand why I was upset.

She said I’m making something out it nothing.

I started to cry, telling her that I am working my *** off to find the right job, and I felt like I was failing at life, and struggling hard.

I asked if she could stop telling people my employment status, maybe she could tell people that she had an unspoken prayer request, and she said she didn’t see a problem, so no.

She also added that I would have a job if I were in church.

So, AITA for getting mad at my mom for telling her friends and family to pray for me?”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

One reader said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader had quite a story to tell.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person weighed in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this Reddit user spoke up.

Source: Reddit/AITA

No praying allowed!

You probably should ask permission first.

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