16 People Share Their Favorite Film Trilogies Of All Time
There are a lot of film trilogies out there, but only a handful that most people would probably call “great.”
If you’re looking for more you could dive into, these 16 people have some ideas on what you could try!
16. Technically one movie, but definitely excellent.
and Automobiles
15. Not technically a trilogy, but…
Godfather 1, 2, and Goodfellas.
14. If you’re into that sort of thing.
The Evil Dead Trilogy f**kin slaps.
Hail to the king, baby. Bruce Campbell is goated
13. A true classic.
But the real answer is back to the future.
“Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.”
12. Simple but effective.
before sunrise before sunset before midnight
Before sunset will always be my favorite romance film!
11. When you have to admit…
Star Wars fan here. I WISH SW was as good as LOTR.
10. Make your own triology.
Blade trilogy:
Sling Blade
Blade Runner
9. A wise choice.
Where’s Indiana Jones at. I’ll throw fists.
One of the few series where the third is the best entry.
8. Not all winners, but.
Shawn of the dead, Hot fuzz, the world’s end.
7. It can be whatever you like.
The Increasingly Inaccurately Named Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy trilogy.
My favorite thing about Hitchikers Guide is that it’s been a book, radio play, tv show, movie, video game, and in every instance Douglas Adams’ changed the story a little bit, so there isn’t any “canon”.
6. Dolla dolla bills, y’all.
Dollars Trilogy.
A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
“You never had a rope around your neck. Well, I’m going to tell you something. When that rope starts to pull tight, you can feel the Devil bite your ass.”
5. Just make it up as you go.
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
The good Son
4. Needs more love.
The Desperado trilogy is great.
El Mariachi
Once upon a time in Mexico
3. Saved the best for last.
Naked Gun 1.
Naked Gun 2 1/2.
Naked Gun 33 1/3.
All fucking brilliant. 33 1/3 is actually my favorite.
2. A cinematography masterpiece.
Three Colours.
Cinematography in Blue is like best of all time imo. Just the opening scene with the street lights on the windshield or the pool scenes have stuck in my mind for a long time
1. It’s all starting to make sense.
28 Days, 28 Days Later, and 28 Weeks Later.
I’m still trying to figure out how Sandra Bullock caused the Rage Virus, but after watching Speed 2, I think I have an idea.
I’ve seen some of these but not all – time to check them out.
I hope you found something on this list that intrigues you, too!

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