August 14, 2023 at 12:43 pm

What’s the Craziest Way You Found Out Someone Was Cheating On You? People Shared Their Stories.

by Justin Gardner

Crazy Way People Find Cheating AR What’s the Craziest Way You Found Out Someone Was Cheating On You? People Shared Their Stories.

Alright, folks, it’s time to kick up your feet, turn down the TV, and FOCUS.

Because you’re about to read some stories that you will be very glad didn’t happen to you…

Are you ready to read some wild cheating stories?

Get a load of these beauties from AskReddit users.

Gather the evidence.

“My ex-wife and I owned a small business together.

One day I noticed a strange email address on the office computer. Her first name and a different last name. I realized that email was still logged in so I took a peek.

I found 2 years worth of emails between my ex and some dude she dated before me. So I printed out every email and had it bound in a binder ready to present to my divorce lawyer.”

Time to leave.

“She didn’t realize that her iPhone messages were also synchronized to her Mac, which I was using to stream movies on.

I saw texts popping up with her writing to her ex. I just packed up my stuff and left.”

Oh, hello…

“After his company Christmas party I stayed over at his place.

Got up the next morning and came downstairs to find his girlfriend cooking breakfast for him.

Needless to say she and I were both pretty shocked.”

There you go…

“Broke up with me and as I was going though deleting her socials I noticed a post she made on her snap story that was her and a guy with a post saying “with my king”.

Post was made two hours ago and had only broke up an hour ago.”

That’s rough.

“Came home off a deployment.

Now (ex)Wife was acting really weird but I figured it was because I had been gone for a year and everything was just taking time to get reaquainted.

About 3 days after I returned I had a notice from my unit stating my vehicle had 3 tickets at another base (we were in Germany) a few hours away in the past few months. When I went in to find out what the deal was all 3 had photos attached to them for speeding through a checkpoint. All 3 had my wife and some other guy.

She was kissing him in the 3rd pic..he was driving my car.”

What a sight…

“On my birthday I was with my GF and I passed out early since I had a long shift that day, and I had to drive 2h to get to her place.

Woke up in the middle of the night, went outside to get a smoke, saw her fu**ing her ex in his car on the parking lot.”

That’s awkward.

“My old barbershop.

I was talking to my barber about her, and one of the other barbers overheard. We ended up finding out it was the same chick.”

Now you get it…

“I went on a 2 week holiday and when I returned he was acting really strange. I tried to ask him what was wrong and why he was acting off.

He started an argument with me, told me I was too young and insecure, asked me to leave, didn’t want to see me again. I left sobbing totally confused.

Nine months later I see him walking through the city with his ex and a newborn baby… ah. Now I understand.”


“I was married; it happened a week or so after my two week’s R&R (Was in the middle of a twelve month deployment to Iraq).

Long story short, I hadn’t cheated on her, but I sure as hell got diagnosed with a STD a week or so after I returned back to Iraq.

We finalized our divorce a couple of months later while I was still deployed.”

That’s weird…

“He sent me a pic of the dog while I was away with a text that said “look how cute she looks” like 3 weeks later I went back to the photo to show a friend and upon looking at the photo again I noticed a pair of women’s boots in the background by the door.”

Sounds like a great guy.

“He sent me a photo of some girl sucking his d**k at the party he was at.

On Valentine’s Day.

After cancelling his plans with me.”

Yikes… very sorry that these people had to go through this, but they’re better off for it.