December 27, 2023 at 9:38 am

Guy Finds Out Girl Is Only Going Out With Him Because He’s Rich, So One Night He Gets Revenge By Tricking Her Into Paying For Everything

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@frame_media

Folks, hang on for a wild, WILD ride!

This story comes to us from Reddit’s “Pro Revenge” page and it’s really something else.

And we think you’ll be pretty impressed by what this fella did…

Pretend you like me to get taken out on expensive dates? I’ll trick you into paying!

“For context, my family is in a very fortunate position financially, and I would describe myself as upper-middle class. This story happened a few years ago when I was at university.

It was a fairly small university, so many of the students lived locally, in a generally very working-class area. I also have a twin brother who goes to a different university nearby, who has a small part to play in this story.

I had never really had much luck with dating due to having some pretty niche hobbies and interests, so it was hard to find people I can relate to and really click with, but I would always get on, and remain friends with people if things didn’t work out.

I ended up dating a few girls on the uni netball team, they all seemed nice but again, it was clear we were not a great match.

Because I stayed on good terms with everyone, I ended up spending a lot of time around the people I had previously dated, but just as friends.

Consequently, most people on the netball team were familiar with me.

He was about to get a surprise.

Enter the greedy girl (GG).

She was a bit of an outlier in the team and didn’t speak much, so nobody knew much about her.

One day, she comes up to me and asks me out on a date, this was a nice surprise as I was normally the one asking, so I said yes, as I had no reason to dislike her at this point.

After I say yes we chat for a bit and she keeps trying to shoehorn into conversation the fact that she, like many others around here, doesn’t have a lot of money.

I didn’t really think about it too much at the time, but in hindsight it was obvious.

But he knew something was amiss with this one.

To keep the story short, I won’t explain the dates, we went on 3 before I realised how greedy she was. All you guys need to know is that I paid for everything on every date, but I didn’t mind doing this. We normally went out on weekends.

One day I went to the library to get some work done, the desks have tall partitions between them for independent work, but whispering was still allowed in this area.

Over the partition in front of me I hear GG’s voice whispering to a friend. I begin to stand up to say hi, but stop myself to listen to their conversation just before my head emerged over the top. She was talking about me, calling me things like a “posh ****”, but saying she was going to let me take her on a few more dates because I took her to fancy bars and bought her expensive drinks.

Time to turn the tables!

I thought about it and realised that she had always gone for the most expensive drinks on our dates so far, so I decided it was time for some revenge. I left the library without being seen. A few days later I actually saw her driving a brand new BMW Z4, so she was clearly pretty rich herself.

The best and fanciest bar in this town was owned by my best friend and her family. It was a small bar, but very high-end, with some of the drinks being over £15 for a VERY small drink. Therefore, not many of the students went in, but if you were invited there on a date, it was a special one.

He was well-connected.

I spoke to my friend, whose family owned the bar, and got her in on my plan for revenge, ensuring she would have my back if things went wrong. I was pretty paranoid about getting caught, because I planned on tricking GG into paying for everything that night, up to a total of the cost of ALL the previous dates combined (in excess of £250).

To cover my tracks, I asked my twin brother if he wanted to go out with my friends to the pub, telling him my plan and that I would give him some money if he went out dressed like me and with his hair styled the same. I also told him to take plenty of pictures with my friends so I had an alibi.

The plan was coming together.

The night of the date came around, the bar was busy but we managed to get a table. I immediately lied to her, saying I had forgotten my card, but if she paid I could transfer her the money later, she agreed. (I had done this for real on the second date, and paid her back as soon as I got home, so she knew I was reliable) I told her to stay sat down and save the table, while I went and ordered drinks and the biggest and fanciest tapas plate on the menu from the bar.

My friend, pretending she didn’t know me, as agreed, served me the drinks. GG seemed to be in disbelief of my generosity and pretended that she was having one of the best dates of her life. I also pretended to be enjoying it, continuing to buy expensive food and drink until I had nearly spent the target £250 on her card.

The dessert section of the bar’s menu is titled “Just Desserts”, finding this oddly appropriate for my revenge, I asked her if she wanted her “Just Desserts”, pointing at the menu.

This was a different kind of cake…

She laughed and said yes, so I went up to the bar once again with her card, and ordered 2 of the super deluxe chocolate fudge cakes, I told my friend to keep one for herself for when her shift ends, and if they could write “**** You” on top of GG’s. (The bar has candles with letters on for birthdays etc.)

I then returned to GG, handed her card back, and told her I was going to the gents bathroom.

I left, never repaid the money and went to join my mates and brother at the pub.

GG confronted me in front of the netball team a few days later, but I just acted confused, telling her I was out with my friends that night, and showed her the selfies my brother had taken with my mates when she tried to argue with me.

The ENTIRE netball team took my side and stopped speaking to her.

GG has since left the netball team and from what I can tell I don’t think she has many friends now.

I had a fantastic night of revenge with fine food and drink at her expense, my friend got a fudge cake, my brother got some money and all the lads got to go to the pub.

All in all, I found it SUPER satisfying, as EVERYONE but GG was happy.”

And here’s what people had to say.

One person thinks this story is fake…

Source: Reddit/AITA

One reader is also having a hard time believing this.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another Reddit user shared what she would have done if she was the woman in this story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Well, that sure was a rollercoaster!

What a story!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!