January 24, 2024 at 12:56 am

‘All I can hear is the tablet.’ – Parents Let Their Young Kids Watch Toy Story On A Tablet At A Nice Restaurant And This Woman Is Not Having It

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: TikTok/@kd81322

I try my best to block out screaming kids whether I’m on an airplane, at a restaurant, or at any other place, but I think we can all admit that it can really get on our nerves.

And the woman you’re about to hear from on TikTok sounded off because she had a bad experience involving parents and kids at a nice restaurant.

She told viewers that she got a babysitter and went to a nice restaurant in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her husband for the evening.

Source: TikTok/@kd81322

She asked viewers, “Do you hear that?” and screaming kids could be heard in the background on what was supposed to be a nice night out.

She said, “One of them has their tablet on volume 97, and I literally can’t hear the music in the restaurant because all I can hear is the tablet.”

Source: TikTok/@kd81322

She then said, “Don’t take your kids to a nice restaurant. I had to watch Toy Story on a tablet.”

So much for a romantic evening…

Source: TikTok/@kd81322

Let’s take a look at the video.


F them kids 😩 #leavekidsathome #shitasskids #tulsaoklahoma #datenight #thebluntblonde #fyp

♬ original sound – thebluntblondekd

Here’s what people had to say.

One viewer agrees with what she had to say.

Source: TikTok/@kd81322

Another viewer has mixed feelings…

Source: TikTok/@kd81322

And this TikTok user started a conversation…

Source: TikTok/@kd81322

I gotta admit that I’d be pretty annoyed, too.

Let me eat my meal in peace!

Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.