July 14, 2024 at 5:34 pm

Stepmom-In-law Disrespected His Wife, So He Simply Walked Away From The Conversation. Now The Stepmom Is Saying She’s Being Treated Like An Outsider.

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/AITA/pexels/Lilen DIaz

Partners always have each other’s backs!

This couple stood up for each other when their step-mom started making things weird at a family wedding.

Check out how things went.

AITA for walking away from my FILs wife after she spoke negatively about my wife during my SILs wedding?

My wife’s younger sister got married three weeks ago.

Their family has different dynamics.

For the wedding my wife filled the role that should have been filled by their mom, but she passed away when my wife was a teenager and her siblings were younger again and my wife stepped up as the family mom.

Things weren’t as smooth.

It ruined her relationship with her dad in the process because she had to mother him as well and had to take care of the family.

She wanted him to be a better dad than that but he was not capable at the time.

To this day things are strained. My wife’s siblings lived with her for a period of time after she left as well.

His wife had it rough..

There is some conflict about this because after my wife turned 18 and moved out, her dad got remarried.

There has always been a tension between my wife and FILs wife over the role my wife plays and the role FILs wife wanted to play.

My wife’s younger siblings did not end up looking to FILs wife as a maternal figure and instead continued looking to my wife.

This is something we all know bothers FILs wife, at least to some degree.

They followed the rituals their way.

This is why my SILs decision to have my wife fill the role on her wedding day brought forth some comments from FILs wife.

It was more about the tradition they do in their family, which may or may not be related to a cultural thing in their mom’s family.

But their family always has the bride spend the night before and right up until the wedding with her mom.

They don’t leave each other’s sides and they help each other get ready together.

My wife did this with her sister.

The stepmom got upset.

FILs wife wanted to be a part of this. She was upset previously when my wife didn’t invite her to do it for our wedding.

But it was a bigger deal with SIL because they lived for 6/7 years.

FILs wife found me during an in-between moment and she told me my wife must be so happy she got to keep her out of yet another one of the weddings, and how smug my wife must be that she wasn’t thought of enough to be invited in alongside the two sisters and was basically a plus one and nothing more.

He stood up for her..

I told her I did not appreciate her talking about my wife in that way and she started to make another comment so I walked away from her without saying another word.

She had his back as well!

She stewed on that for the rest of the wedding and days later brought it up to my ILs and demanded an apology from me.

My wife told her I did not owe her an apology for walking away in the way in which I did.


That’s some family DRAMA!

The bride must have had some opinion on the fights going on.

But let’s check out what folks on Reddit think about this story!

This person thinks the man dealt with the issue with grace!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person has another reply for the step-mom.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person has some dialogue suggestions.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person has some wise words to share.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person analyzes the situation well.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Reddit community knows this man did the right thing!

No one disrespects his wife again!

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.