July 14, 2024 at 11:50 am

Worker Tells Man To Move His Car Or It Was Going To Be Towed, So He Did Exactly What He Was Supposed To Do

by Ryan McCarthy

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Pexels/Jonathan Reynaga

There are some people on this Earth that take the rules of the road as more of a suggestion for their behavior.

Especially when it comes to parking.

And when this user told someone to move their car out of the customer only parking or they’d get towed, the man told him to go ahead, but he didn’t expect him to actually go through with it!

Check it out!

“Go ahead and tow me!” Ok.

I work for a meditation and holistic wellness store.

Our parking lot is very small and shares spaces with other businesses and so we have marked spots for the different businesses.

On this particular morning, a gentleman parked in one of our spots and then proceeded to not come into the store or any of the other businesses we share space with.

But when they went to politely ask him to find another parking space, he was not warmly-received….

I went outside and kindly asked him to park somewhere else as there is ample parking throughout the area.

He oh so kindly flipped me off, to which I said “If you walk away, I can have your car towed.”

He continued to flip me off as he walked away and said “Yeah ok, go right ahead.”

So now with his express permission, that’s exactly what OP did!

So I did. The tow company came and took his car.

Needless to say, he was SUPER annoyed when he got back and his car was missing.

Caused quite a scene and asked why the f— I towed his car. To which I replied “You said to go ahead and tow your car. Besides, it’s bad karma to steal someone else’s parking space.”

I gave him the card for the tow company and told him to have a nice day. Happy Friday, jerkwad! ✌️

So when they said “I’m going to tow your car” and this guy said “Sure, go ahead”, what did he think the outcome was going to be?

Reddit ran to the comments with their own stories of doing exactly what they told someone they were going to do.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

And this user said the man needed to work on his listening skills!

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

While this person was reminded of an ironic incident of road rage they had seen recently.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

Finally, this person pointed out that the man was the exact type of person that actually needed an appointment with them!

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

“Go ahead, tow me….. Wait, you actually towed me?!”

Wild how that happens.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.