July 17, 2024 at 1:50 am

Single Dad’s Friend Tried To Give Him Advice About Parenting His Daughter, And When She Wouldn’t Stop He Asked Her To Leave

by Diana Whelan

 Single Dads Friend Tried To Give Him Advice About Parenting His Daughter, And When She Wouldnt Stop He Asked Her To Leave

Navigating parenthood can be a rollercoaster, especially when someone questions your child’s behavior in your own home.

Imagine defending your daughter’s honor after a friend criticizes her – a friend who honestly has no leg to stand on.

This story delves into one father’s struggle to protect his daughter’s reputation.

Read on to check out the details!

AITA for telling a friend to leave for calling my daughter a brat?

I am a forty something single father with full custody of a teen daughter.

A friend was staying with us for a few days while her house is being worked on.

When I was folding laundry, this friend told me I shouldn’t do my daughter’s laundry.

Um, pardon me?

I told her that I usually just grab it if I’m already doing my own.

Thinking that this was a friendly conversation, I mused that when I bring her laundry basket back to her room, she rolls her eyes and thanks me and kisses my cheek, which I think is cute.

This friend goes on to calmly tell me that I’m raising a spoiled brat.

She gives several examples of my daughter’s spoiled behavior, which I didn’t agree with.

She also used the anecdote I had told her about laundry against me.

The nerve of this girl.

Though she was acting calmly, I was still upset. I immediately asked her to leave.

After a bit of back and forth she relented.

I’ve received messages from friends, and also coworkers as this is a former coworker.

The vast majority are similarly shaming me for telling this person to leave.

A few messages are even insisting I let her stay because she’s staying at a hotel costing her $250 a night for the next two nights.

When it comes to defending your child, sometimes you have to ignore the critics.

I told them she over stepped and I was not going to stand for it.

My closest friends are on my side however I’ve been receiving many shaming messages.

I am starting to feel almost guilty about this and I feel as if I’m doing something wrong.

My defense is protecting my child, however a few people have said that’s a weak defense. I want an outside perspective.

My mind is reeling. I have work in a few hours and can’t sleep.

Talk about standing up for your kid!

This dad’s protective instincts kicked in, and the critics didn’t stand a chance.

Let’s see what Redditors had to say about this one…

One commenter didn’t hold back.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Someone else suggested a clean break from this meddler.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This commenter feels the friend went too far.

Source: Reddit/AITA

The laundry saga sure stirred up a storm!

The bottom line is it wasn’t her place.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.