July 17, 2024 at 4:55 am

Rude Couple Insisted On Parking Where They Weren’t Allowed, So A Truck Driver Decided To Block Them In And Take His Sweet Time

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@pavlpolo_official

If I’ve learned any lesson in my life, it’s that you never mess with workers who are in charge of loading docks at buildings…

It never ends well!

And these folks can control a lot of things in their little parking kingdoms, so it’s best to remain on their good side.

This story brilliantly illustrates what I’m talking about.

Check out what happened!

We’ll be gone before you know it….. CHILL OUT.

“I’ve had many odd jobs, and working for the “Colorado Grand” has been the most, well,interesting.

And yes, I work at the timeshare location I own points at; linen department. Among other odd jobs. I’m essentially a floater, filling in as needed. Not as fun as it sounds.

Rules are rules…

So I’m on a smoke break and the area I’m in needs to be free of cars. Signage is up about the linen loading zone.

I literally JUST lit up when Bob and Karen McKarenstein pull right in front of me, two feet from my knee, fully in the loading zone that’s about to have a truck pull in (this dude “Manny” is like clockwork, he pulls his truck up for loading, takes a lunch, loads up and leaves).

I quickly leap to my feet, drop my two dollar cigarette and do the double arm wave, letting them know that they can’t park here.

Karen rolls down her window as sweaty Bob leans over, saying “we’ll be gone before you know it ok so shut up and chill out OKAY?!”


Malicious compliance time.

I see Manny pulling in like clockwork, I see Bob see Manny, all in a panic. I see manny see me with a smile on my face looking at him. He knows what to do.

This was gonna be fun!

He pulls up as far as possible for loading, blocking panic Bob in as he’s trying to grumble around his ignition.

I could swear Bob was talking to me, but I was told to shut up so what’s the point? I then turn and walk to the ice machine a ways a way, get a drink, and chill out. I even got my personal fan, knowing it’s a hot one.

We load up, taking our time as Manny eats his jimmy johns, chilling all the while.

This could have taken an hour plus, but we decide after twenty-five minutes, and an irate Karen unleashing her vengeance on Bob instead of us, to let them out.

Bob was literally the first person I’ve seen with sheepishness on his face. Priceless.”

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Words to live by!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.