September 6, 2024 at 7:44 pm

His Mother Keeps Complaining That He Never Should Have Been Born, So He Used Her Religious Beliefs Against Her As A Way To Prove That She’s Being Hypocritical

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

It’s not your children’s responsibility to better your life.

If they help you out when you’re older, good. But if they don’t, you can’t force them to because they have their own lives, too.

This man’s mother complains about him all the time for not taking care of them, even saying that she regrets giving birth to him.

So what he did was use her religious beliefs against her.

Read the story below for all the details.

AITA For using my Mothers logic against her?

Hi, 32M here.

Previously, I mentioned that my parents expect me to uproot my life and move back home to take care of them.

That was a few months ago, and we’re still arguing over it.

This man shares her mom’s constant rants about him.

Recently, during one of her calls, she started using one of her favorite rants that I’ve been hearing all my life.

It goes something like this, “You shouldn’t have been born. You were a mistake. I should have never given birth to you.”

I’ve heard variations of that for as long as I can remember.

Just because I didn’t fit into her cookie cutter idea of a perfect family, being one daughter and one son.

Apparently, his mom only wanted 4 children.

Well, I’m the youngest of five.

She had three daughters before she finally got my older brother.

She declared herself done with having kids, and then I came alone.

He interrupted his mom’s rants by questioning her beliefs.

Anyways, she’s a very, very, very religious lady.

To her, God is law and can do no wrong.

So while on the phone with her, while she was ranting. I interrupted her and ask if God was ever wrong.

She screamed and went on another rant about, “How dare I challenge God,” and so on.

She couldn’t answer and just hung up.

So I cut her off again, and asked why she was questioning him.

If God can do no wrong, then He wanted me to be born, and she was questioning him every time she rants about me being alive.

She got quiet, and then hung up on me.

Now, his siblings are scolding him for upsetting their mom.

It wasn’t the first time she’s hung up on me.

So I went about my day as normal, until I started getting bombarded by texts from my siblings, chewing me out for making my mom cry.

Even after telling them my side of the story, I still got chewed out for it.

He’s wondering if what he did was wrong.

The consensus amongst the rest of my family is that I should be used to her rants by now, and I should have just let her rant uninterrupted.

I disagree. I thought she had it coming.

Anyway, AITA for using my mother’s logic against her and making her cry?

Let’s find out and read what other Reddit users have to say.

What an insightful comment from this user!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one says he did nothing wrong.

Source: Reddit/AITA

You are not a mistake, says this one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user suggests not talking to his mom anymore.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Finally, this user describes his family as toxic.

Source: Reddit/AITA

If they don’t want you, grant them their wish.

It’s as simple as that!

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.