September 8, 2024 at 5:47 pm

Woman’s Ex Abandoned Her While She Was Pregnant, So She Considers Changing Their Chosen Baby Name To One She’s Always Wanted

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Canva/Prostock-studio, Reddit/AITA

Navigating a pregnancy is hard enough, but it gets even harder when your relationship with your partner is on the rocks too.

This woman’s ex , claiming he’d return after their daughter’s birth.

They could never agree on a baby name, so she compromised on her choice to appease him. But since he abandoned her during the pregnancy, she wonders if she should change the name to what she wants, despite the potential fallout.

Read on for all the details.

WIBTA Would I be the ah if I changed my daughter’s name?

My ex and I tried for five months to get pregnant.

Almost as soon as we were successful (it took several months) I noticed a SIGNIFICANT change in him.

It’s like he became a totally different person.

Almost overnight, it was like he stopped being happy, treated every request I made like a massive burden, started being an absolute jerk toward me, stopped communicating, stopped showing any affection, etc.

When I brought up concerns, I was met with being called selfish, having my past thrown in my face, yelling, and slamming doors.

Then the worst case scenario became a reality.

At 19 weeks pregnant, he ended things with me stating that his police officer training was causing him a lot of stress and that he’d like to just focus on FTO (field officer training) and then focus on our daughter once she arrives.

He’s done next to nothing to support me while pregnant because “she isn’t even here yet.” This included him not caring when I told him I was sick, or in the ER.

He’s since lied to family about what has been happening and even changed or added additional excuses as to why he left.

The soon-to-be mom has her suspicions.

Frankly, I think he’s been cheating and a lot of people have drawn the same conclusion.

He says he didn’t, but after leaving the way he did, I don’t feel like I can trust anything he says.

ANYWAY. I had a long list of names I’d always wanted for a little girl but he didn’t like any of them.

Despite his bad behavior, she made compromises on the baby name.

We finally settled on a name that wasn’t on my list, but both were okay with.

I always wanted a unique name for my daughter. The name we chose is pretty but not unique at all.

Since he’s no longer in the picture (but says he will be when she gets here) my best friend asked me if I was going to change her name to one of the ones I wanted.

She’s now left wondering if she can go another route.

I’m only 22 weeks pregnant now, so there is plenty of time, but I know he’s going to be upset if I change her name.

My mom sees nothing wrong with it, but obviously my family isn’t his biggest fan so they’re a little biased.

She wants to choose her baby’s name for the right reasons, so she’s conflicted.

I do want to note that I do not want to change her name out of spite.

He wasn’t even super set on it, it wasn’t like it held any special meaning or anything to him, he just hated all my other name suggestions.

So Reddit, would I be the AH?

Her ex gave up his right to name the baby when he walked out the door.

Will Reddit agree? Commenters weigh in.

Baby name aside, this user surmises this boyfriend is bad news and she should get far away from him before it’s too late.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This man showed exactly what kind of a father he would be.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user offers four compelling reasons why she wouldn’t be the AH.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This user wonders how much she could trust this man’s word after all he’s done.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Redditors rallied behind the mom’s right to choose whatever name for her daughter she dang pleases.

Absent dads don’t get an opinion.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.