October 14, 2024 at 12:46 am

The Town Bully Kept Destroying His Family’s Mailbox, So He Used Cast Iron, Concrete, And Federal Law To Exact Revenge

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/keira burton

Bullies are the worst kind of people, because they seem to thrive on other people’s misery.

This guy faced down some terrible bullies, but he didn’t even have to come up with his own revenge – karma took care of that for him.

Find out how things unfolded.

Bully Creates His Own Revenge

So here’s the basics, when I was a kid my dad was in the service, U.S. Navy, and so we moved around a lot.

Because of this I was always the new kid over and over again, meaning I was constantly the target of would be bullies and this made me fairly introverted and distrusting of other people by nature.

They went back to their little town to resume their lives.

In the waning years of my father’s military career he decided he would take his family back to his hometown and do some recruiting until he retired.

So away we went to the family farm built by my great grandfather.

If anyone has ever found themselves moving to a small town suddenly then you are well aware of what I mean when I say that the locals were very small town minded.

Things weren’t the best here…

For those of you who don’t know, the small town mentality is basically thus, “if you’re not from there, born and raised, then you don’t belong there.”

A lot of small town citizens are closed off and want nothing to do with outsiders.

So there I was, not only the new kid but introverted and an outsider….bully magnet.

He wanted to stay out of trouble but some bullies made it impossible…

For the most part I tried not to let it get to me but I did have some bad days and got into a few fights, always in self defense though.

And eventually as people grew up most of the other kids matured out of trying to be a bully and began to just leave me alone.

Especially once they found out who my great grandfather was…something about one of the four founding families…I don’t know…

I never really cared that much and besides those people had shown their true colors by treating me like crap for years by that point…but that’s a different story.

This story is about a kid we’ll call Mike.

This kid made this guy’s life miserable.

You see Mike was the only one who never seemed to grow out of trying to be a bully.

He would daily track me down and tell me how worthless I was. That I was just some dumb farm boy who would never amount to anything and would always be a loser.

He would walk up to me randomly and say things like “I know you’re going to be the one who shoots up the school someday, and when it ends with your suicide I’ll be the one cheering.”

He had some issues.

At one point I arrived to school to find he had painted the combination on my locker with toothpaste.

A lot of weird stuff like that.

He thought he got rid of the bully but…

Anyways we get into our senior year of high school and I’ve long since been doing my best to ignore him.

His not being able to get a reaction out of me seemed to really upset him and even his friends started saying his seeming need to find me everyday to simply be mean was bordering on the creepy and obsessive.

And then all of a sudden the verbal abuse stopped one day a couple months from graduation.

I assumed he had finally just given up but that wasn’t the case.

A couple weeks later I walked to the end of our LONG driveway to catch the bus and found that our mailbox had been run over.

This bully had been up to other horrible things.

I didn’t think anything of it at the time other than that it must have been some drunk.

I get home later that afternoon, take some photos of the damage just in case and then fix the mailbox, new wooden post buried onto the ground.

I finish my other chores and homework and relax the rest of the evening.

Next morning I go to catch the school bus and the mailbox has again been run over.

I get home, photos, repair it, chores, homework, relax. It happened again the next day and again the day after that…this went on for two weeks only stopping on the weekend.

They tried locating the culprit but nothing helped.

My parents had reported the smashing of the mailbox but there was no evidence as to who the culprit even was so nothing was done about it.

I finally have enough of digging out broken post and replacing them and so…The Revenge

I get up early on a Saturday and head to the end of the driveway.

I dig a 2 feet by two feet wide hole 6 feet straight down and filled the hole with fresh cement and in the center placed a ten foot section of the old farm house’ original cast iron water pipes, sunk 6 feet into the concrete.

He made sure he’d get his revenge the right way.

I filled the rest of the 10ft cast iron pipe with concrete as well and mounted the mailbox on the top.

Mind you I looked into how far from the road the mailbox needed to be for safety reasons and attached ample amounts of reflectors.

Monday morning comes and I notice the mailbox post has all sorts of scratches on it but otherwise it’s fine.

This is where it gets interesting…

I get to my final class of the day, creative writing, and am in the middle of a story outline for that week’s project when a friend of Mike’s comes in, we’ll call him Steve.

Steve sees me and freaks out.

Steve: Do you have any idea what you did to Mike’s car?!

OP: I didn’t do anything to Mike’s car?? I don’t even know what it looks like.

He knew how to scare the bullies away.

Steve: Your little stunt with the mailbox totaled it!

He had to get it towed into town at 5AM this morning! (small town. Auto garage is DEFINITELY closed at 5AM)

Steve: He’s gonna sue the [FRONK] out of you!

OP: OK but you are aware that deliberately hitting and/or damaging a mailbox is a federal offense right?

Steve: What are you talking about?

OP: You don’t actually own your mailbox. Legally it belongs to the Post Office so destroying a mailbox is destroying government property making it a federal offense.

He had his homework done!

Steve: So what? He’ll get a little fine, but your gonna pay!

OP: Oh No…hahaha..It’s actually a $250,000.00 Fine or up to 3 years in prison per offense for vandalizing a mailbox, and since it’s happened 10 times in the last two weeks that translates to either a 2.5 million dollar fine or up to 30 years in prison.

Steve just stares at me for a moment and storms out.

At that point I pull up the federal statute on the computer I was working on and Mike comes in insisting that I’m making that whole thing up.

So I show him the law and he freezes.

Mike got a little too scared…

OP: You can take me to court and I might have to pay a small fine and maybe even tear down the mailbox…but your life would be over.

Mike: Maybe but you can’t prove I did it ten times!

OP: Actually I took photos of the damages so I can prove it was at least ten times… But even if I couldn’t $250,000.00 is till A LOT of money…much more than your car is worth I’m sure. Would you really bankrupt yourself or even get yourself sent to prison to force me to pay you a grand or two for the car?

Mike stormed out of the classroom and never bothered me again.

And Mike ruined his own life over a mailbox!

The Best part was actually the domino effect this created.

You see Mike didn’t have enough credits to graduate on time. Wasted too much time trying to be a Dr Phil case I guess.

I heard through that small town grapevine that he was eventually shunted over to adult programs by the school.

Without his car, which was totaled, and unable to afford another (his mother bought the 1st one and refused to buy a second when she found out how he totaled it) he couldn’t get to his classes and was eventually tossed out of school due to attendance problems.

Things fell apart for Mike but got better for this guy.

Without a diploma or GED he couldn’t get into even a community college nor find proper work.

Not having access to gainful employment left him living with his mother in a trailer, living off her and the occasional odd job he gets.

Meanwhile I’m now married with a child and living in beautiful subtropical Algarve in the south of Portugal in Europe.

Mike if your out there reading this I only have one real question….Just how did that Mailbox taste?

That’s pretty steep punishment for bullying, but perhaps well-deserved.

Let’s find out what the Reddit community has to say.

This person has come across similar stories.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This person thinks the level of digging is a little extra!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user shares a story they’ve heard of!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

That’s true! This person appreciated the bully for the extra effort.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

That was funny! This user explains how dumb both the bullies were.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

While some users applaud Mike’s dedication, others love how fate turned the tables.

Never mess with someone who is more clever than you.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.