October 12, 2024 at 10:21 pm

Television Renovation Show Was Making Ridiculous Noise, So He Countered With Some High-Pitched Sounds Of His Own, And Caused The Episode To Be Cancelled

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

We all love watching home renovation shows, but have you ever stopped to wonder what it’s like for the people who live nearby?

If you do, you’ll probably realize they don’t appreciate the fuss and the ongoing noise.

This guy tried to be accommodating and nice, even though they were interrupting his routine.

When they damaged his apartment and made fun of him for wanting it fixed, though, he sought revenge.

Find out how he accomplished it!

How I got my revenge on a Tv Show!

So to begin this story I have to explain, I’m a college student in Portugal (so sorry if my English isn’t 100%), I was born and raised in Azores ( some little islands in the middle of Atlantic ocean), in order to pursue college I had to move to the mainland.

For this I had to rent an apartment. It’s a good apartment, 3 rooms, 2 bathrooms , a living room and a Kitchen and it’s in a quiet neighborhood so all good.

This was until they started to do construction work in the apartment above. This construction work is made by a tv show called “Querido Mudei a Casa” that literally translates to ” Honey I Changed the House.”

It’s quite famous here, they remodel the entire house, replacing everything in it with new furniture, new floor, you get it, so THEY MAKE A LOT OF NOISE.

At first, they tried to be good sports about it.

I’m not the party kind of guy and I’m quite calm and peaceful guy that likes to stay home, have some friends here, drink a bit, play some games etc. , and also I do a lot of my college work at night in the apartment ( I spend most of the day in class )

So to explain this Portugal has a law that you can make noise from 8am to 6pm, most of my classes start around 11/12pm , which works great for me, since I go to sleep around 4am due to all the work I have to do and little plus time for myself.

They started drilling the floor at around 8am EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Me and my housemate were shocked by the amount of noise they were doing, we let it pass since they shouldn’t take more than a week to replace the floor

( I make that assumption cuz Me and my Dad did it once to our house back in the Island) but no, that noise lasted for the entire time they were there

His attempt at a reasonable chat did not go well.

i got a bit upset since i couldn’t sleep but I also couldn’t leave the college work undone. So i decided to try and talk with them

I went to the upstairs apartment and knocked, then came this really fat and short guy looking at me like I wasn’t even there and the talk went like this:

Me: Hi, I’m from the apartment below .

FG: Hey, what do you want ?

Me: I was gonna ask if you guys could start the drilling at around 10am, I’m a college student and I do most of my work at night, some time I only get to sleep at morning , is it possible ??

FG: Nah, we have a job to do, you should go to sleep earlier if you want to sleep.

He closes the door, I was pissed but remain calm, after all it kinda is my fault if I go to bed at that time

He gritted his teeth until some of their work damaged his apartment.

Some time goes by and the noise continues, I get grumpier and grumpier.

I call the customer service of the show, they said politely that there is nothing they can do about it since it’s in the legal rights, I should talk with the guys in the apartment so we can come to a conclusion.

Weeks go by, I’m wondering ” That apartment is the same size as mine, how are they taking so long ?”

until a glorious morning I wake up, normal routine, I go to the bathroom to take a shower, when I turn on the light what do I see, my bathroom full of Clay, everything completely dirty, rocks everywhere and a  hole right on top of the toilet.

I’m Furious, my house mate arrives home that morning, he is NOT a calm person in this situations I tell him all about this, we both go to the upper apartment, I convinced him to let me talk , he agrees.

I knock on the door

To my surprise, the same fat guy, but this time he was looking at me

Me: Uumm, You guys opened a hole in my bathroom.

He interrupts

FG : Yeah yeah, we know, we already covered our part

Me: Okay, but what about ours ?

FG: Can’t you guys fix it ? I mean , you are men , can’t you fix the house ?

My friend is furious, but I calmly put my hand on him and keep talking

Me: No way, you broke it, you’re gonna fix it unless we have to call the landlord and sue your show for this.

FG: Okay okay, we will fix it, no need to get all formal

We came back to the house, we could hear them making fun of us because of the hole, my friend is furious, but I’m calm because I already thought of a way to get back at them.

The hole got fixed but he wasn’t about to let it go.

Couple of days go by when they finally decided to fix the hole.

Two nice guys came down and fixed it, said they were sorry and everything, we chatted, they were cool, but my revenge was already planned, sorry dudes.

Me and my friend both have JBL speakers, the good one that can really play loud, this is where it begins.

Every day i started to go to bed early now, so I can be up at 8am, first I take a shower and set up for college then i plug both of the speakers to my laptop, search for ” Japanese P***”

( You know, cuz Japanese girls scream in a high pitched voice) leave the volume up in maximum and let it play in a loop until I get home, around 6pm.

Oooh my amusement was speechless, my house mate agreed with this since we both started to leave the apartment earlier.

Until one day we heard a knock on our door.


The revenge worked like a charm.


(They record the episodes in the house so they can authenticate the sound in the house and everything, they could easily use a studio for the sound but they are really cheap on saving money)

ME: Nah, Since you are in the legal right to make noise from 8am to 6pm, I am too, I can make the noise I want in that period of time

FG: That will really hurt the show and you know that, people love this show, probably your Mother watches it and loves it

Me: Maybe, but she knows how things are around here so she doesn’t really mind, I don’t really mind and the landlord doesn’t mind, can’t you fix it yourself ??

The fat guy goes mad, starts stomping the ground as he turns around and leaves

They ended up having to cancel the episode altogether.

This continues, I see the camera crew arriving from my window, they enter the apartment, knock on my door, I didn’t even awnser, just some Loud Lewd Noises all day .

This goes for 3 days straight with the camera crew, but one day they never tried again.

I think the episode was cancelled due to the noise, the funniest part is that they make this constructions free for people, the only revenue they gained is from the viewership of the episodes

It puts a smile on my face when I know that they just wasted a budget for nothing

Aah Sweet Revenge !!!

Well, that was sure satisfying.

I just bet Reddit loved it, too.

The top comment thought it was priceless.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

At least some people have a sense of humor.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

That was some pro payoff for sure.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

There’s a job waiting for this guy.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Apparently thin walls are an issue.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Sometimes you have to get creative.

And using the rules in your favor doesn’t hurt, either.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.