October 19, 2024 at 11:21 am

Manager Wouldn’t Give Them Time Off When Their Grandmother Passed, So They Went Over His Head And Got Him Fired

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/Yan Krukau

It’s almost surprising how some people can be so insensitive they won’t consider any reason to be off work as a good enough.

This man’s grandma was about to pass, but his manager threatened to fire him if he didn’t show up at work anyway.

Read on to find out how he turned the tables.

This happened to my friend last week and he gave me permission to post here.

Alright so my friend, let’s call him J, is a senior in high school working at a photography studio.

J is often scheduled 13 hour shifts without a food break at this job which he doesn’t mind because it’s good money and he’s a hard worker.

This becomes important later on.

J had a huge shock!

J came home from work on a Wednesday and was told by his mom that his grandmother is on her last leg of life.

They’re going to see her for what will probably be the last time before she dies that upcoming Saturday.

So 3 days away.

Unfortunately J’s work schedule was already posted and he was scheduled to work all day that Saturday.

He tried talking to his manager…

So J did what any good employee does.

He messaged his manager explaining the situation and says he needs someone to cover his shift that Saturday as he will not be coming in.

Manager gave him a list of people who weren’t working that day for him to text and ask if they can pick up the shift.

J sends messages out to all of them and is told by every single employee off that day that they are busy Saturday and cannot work.

So, J reaches back out to his manager to let him know he can’t get a cover.

The manager was being very mean…

J is then told by his manager that if he does not come in that day, he will be fired.

When he states that it will likely be the last time he ever sees his grandma alive, she says that she does not care and that he better come into work that Saturday.

This is where the revenge begins.

J didn’t take so well to being told his manager didn’t care about his grandma, so he decided to pay a little phone call to HR.

This is where it gets interesting!

Remember those 13 hour shifts without breaks J works?

Well, J is 17 and in his state, people under 18 cannot work more than 9 consecutive hours – ESPECIALLY without a break.

J explains all of this to HR on top of the situation concerning his grandma. J also puts in his 2 weeks on top of this.

HR tells him that he’ll follow up with him soon and that something will be done about all of this.

And he got his sweet revenge!

That Friday, J came into work and his manager was gone, replaced by a new manager from another store.

J also had been asked by the new manager if he would consider staying and he agreed to it.

So now J is still employed and much happier, and his manager is without a job.

After he finished texting me all of this, he added “don’t mess with me and I won’t mess with you.”

That’s awesome! J took a stand against an unreasonable manager!

Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this one.

This user thinks it is absurd that this guy had to work for so long.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This person knows grandma is happy up there with the revenge.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user thinks the employer could have gotten in bigger trouble.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This user is happy the guy got his closure.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This manager shares his experience.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

He could have gone for even more revenge.

But hopefully he scared them straight.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.