November 21, 2024 at 4:20 am

His Neighbor Made It Clear They Weren’t Interested In Friendly Help, So When They Parked Illegally He Didn’t Say A Word

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When you see a neighbor who accidentally left their lights on, or left their trunk open, it is the neighborly thing to do to let them know.

What would you do if you tried to give your neighbor a friendly heads up, but they got mad and yelled at you?

That is what happened to the friendly neighbor in this story, so she didn’t let him know when he was illegally parked.

Check it out.

Rude neighbor

We walk our dog around the block after dark and when we see a neighbor who left a garage door open or left their trunk open, we would knock on their door for a friendly heads-up.

I bet. This is very nice.

Everyone is cool and appreciative.

However, there’s one old guy who has a habit of leaving his car headlights on.

Sounds like a mean old man.

The first few times when I knocked on his door to tell him, I could hear him yelling something like “What the heck do you want?”.

One time it was even less polite than that.

Yesterday, I was doing some yard work and noticed his car parked out front on the street on street sweeping day.

He didn’t want any help, so he gets none.

I heard the street sweeper coming and I just stood in my driveway and smiled as the meter maid stuck a $100 parking ticket on his windshield for parking on posted “no parking” times.

Every neighborhood seems to have a grumpy old man like this.

Read on to see what the people in the comments had to say.

This person is on the side of the grumpy old man.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This person points out that lights often go off automatically.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This person had a similar experience.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Hey, they didn’t want your help.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

People need to be nicer to each other.

He was just trying to be neighborly.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.