November 21, 2024 at 8:22 am

Stingy Buyer Left A Bad Review After She Demanded A Lower Price On Baby Toys, So The Seller Made A Fake Profile To Get Back At Her

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/fizkes, Reddit/PettyRevenge

Facebook Marketplace sales often attract bargain hunters, but some will push stinginess to a new level.

When one particularly difficult customer tried to negotiate every penny, then had the nerve to punish the seller with a one-star rating, they weren’t prepared for the surprising revenge that followed.

Read on for the full scoop.

Facebook marketplace revenge

I was selling an item on Facebook marketplace and had photos of what was included (it was a baby gym and some of the accessories and toys were missing).

A girl messaged me and was haggling for $20 lower price because there was missing pieces.

The seller tried to compromise, but the buyer still had a nasty attitude.

I compromised with $10 less, but she kept pressuring me that, because there was toys missing, it should be cheaper, but eventually settled for the $10 less price.

She says she will show up around 11:30 and eventually gets there at 1…

When she arrives to pick up the item, she’s still upset.

When I meet her, she is upset because there is toys missing (as shown in the pictures??).

She pays and it on her way.

She decides to be even more petty.

She immediately gives me one star because of the pieces missing and blocks me.

So naturally, I make a fake account.

So the seller figures, why not be petty back?

I then go to her Facebook Marketplace profile and ask to buy one of her succulents.

I get to the part where it lets me rate her and give her one star and block her.

The buyer was definitely in no position to be stingy.

The real kicker is her address is a huge house worth 1.9 millions dollars… why are you haggling over $20???

Turns out a little justice was just a click away.

What did Reddit think?

It’s Facebook Marketplace, not a charity!

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Poor reviews are usually more emotional than factual.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Clearly the buyer doesn’t cheap out in other areas of her life.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

In this redditor’s eyes, the entitled buyer got what she deserved.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This deal ended up costing more than it was worth.

She got her discount, and the seller got their petty revenge — sounds like a fair trade.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.