Thief Kept Stealing Firewood, So Grandfather Hid Gunpowder In The Logs And The Thefts Immediately Stopped
by Heather Hall
Even if you don’t get caught in the act, stealing from someone else can really come back to get you.
What would you do if someone kept taking something from you without asking?
Would you confront them directly?
Or would you find a way to make them think twice before doing it again?
In the following story, one Kansas farmer finds himself in this very situation and decides to get even.
Here’s what he did.
The Case of the Missing Firewood
This happened when my grandfather was growing up in rural Kansas in the 40s and 50s, and is one of my favorite stories from him.
When my Grandpa was growing up he didn’t have electricity, this being rural Kansas.
What they did have was a wood-burning stove.
At one point firewood that great-grandfather had been storing began to disappear, a thief was afoot.
My great-grandfather, getting tired of the firewood disappearing, hatches a plan.
Great-grandfather takes some of the logs and drills them out leaving a cavity, he then puts some gunpowder in the cavities and plugs the holes to hide his handy work.
That night he tells my grandpa that he would bring in the firewood, of course he knows what logs he’s messed with.
The guy outed himself and didn’t even know it.
Now, this is the funny part, and I wish I knew how embellished it was, but stranger things have happened.
The next day great-grandfather is walking into town and comes across a gentleman also headed into town, and they get to talking.
It turns out the gentleman is going into town to make a purchase, the item he seeks, a new stove.
He says to my great-grandfather, “I don’t know what they’re putting in the coal these days, but it destroyed my stove.”
No wood ever went missing again.
Hilarious! Unfortunately for him, it was a costly mistake.
Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit relate to this story.
This person heard a similar story.
They must’ve regretted that quickly!
Here’s a good question.
This makes sense.
It serves him right!
This is why you shouldn’t steal from others.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · caught stealing, explosion, firewood, kansas, picture, pro revenge, reddit, rural areas, top

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