A Man Traveling Across The Ocean In A Small Row Boat Runs Into Hundreds Of Whales. – ‘They’re so close I can hear them. They’re blowing bubbles!’
While beautiful, it is best to avoid whales while in a row boat.
While beautiful, it is best to avoid whales while in a row boat.
Night owls had scores that were 13.5% higher.
Hopefully it’s not too little too late.
Desperate times call for desperate measures
Whatever it is, Jupiter’s red spot has been fascinating scientists for generations.
Diamonds are forever, whether they are created in a lab or from the pressure of Earth’s mantle.
Protecting key technology infrastructure from CMEs is becoming more important than ever.
Maybe someday people will be able to visit this amazing oasis in the desert.
The universe is astounding and constantly surprising even the smartest scientists.
At least It was a good practice session!
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