THE ROLLER COASTER SUBMERGED BY SANDY Photograph by Stephen Wilkes | Prints available The following is from Stephen Wilkes, who has offered limited edition prints of this photo as part of the Art for Sandy Relief Project in collaboration with TIME’s photo editors. All net proceeds from print sales go towards six…
Photograph by NASA Since 1976, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird has held the world record for the fastest ‘air-breathing manned aircraft’ with a recorded speed of 1,905.81 knots (2,193.2 mph; 3,529.6 km/h). That works out to a staggering 36.55 miles/58.83 km per minute. The Blackbird was so fast that its strategy against surface-to-air missiles was…
As the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon needs somewhere to put all of those products. The solution? Giant warehouses. Eighty to be exact. Strategically located near key shipping hubs around the world. The warehouses themselves are massive, with some over 1.2 million square feet in size (111,484 sq m). And at the heart of…
72-year-old grandfather Liu Xianping has gone viral, modelling clothes for his granddaughter’s clothing line Yuekou. The online fashion store was started by Liu’s granddaughter Ms. LV and four other graduates from her college. According to Offbeat China, Ms. LV says it all started one day when her grandpa came to help with unpacking: “he…
Photograph by China Daily (via National Post) In the city of Wenling, located in China’s eastern province of Zheijang, a highway has been built around a residential building that refuses to relocate. Luo Baogen, unsatisfied with the relocation compensation offered by the government decided to remain in the half-demolished building with his wife. According…
Photograph by Sarah (Pandora-no-hako on Flickr) In 1968, American toymaker Mattel released a series of 1:64 scale die cast cars called Hot Wheels. The first series of cars released (16 in total) were ‘customized’ versions of well known models like the the Camaro, Corvette and Mustang. However, later that year, Hot Wheels designer Ira…
LaNola Stone is a New York City-based professional photographer, artist, author, and educator. In an effort to help out her local animal shelter, Stone used her photography skills to try and find the animals ‘longest in residence’ a new home. Stone remarks: “The concept was to make ‘fashionesque images’ of the longest in residence…
On November 6, 2012 at precisely 11:15pm ET on Facebook and 11:16pm ET on Twitter, Barack Obama, the President of the United States of America, posted the photo above with the caption, “Four more years.” As of November 10, 2012 @ 1:30pm ET, the Facebook photo has 4,306,739 ‘Likes’, 577,941 shares and 207,747 comments;…
Photograph by Iwan Baan for New York Magazine The latest cover of New York Magazine (November 12 issue) features an incredible aerial photograph of a blacked-out New York City. The cover image conveys the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy as it left much of downtown Manhattan powerless. In fact, New York Magazine’s own offices…
In his series entitled ‘Bench‘, photographer Eugene Kotenko shot the activities that took place around a specific bench outside of his apartment over a period of four years. Documented in the Ukraine, the bench was located beside a government housing building. The variety is quite interesting. Even though the focus is on a single…