July 14, 2014 at 4:00 pm

Once a Year These Cacti Will Flower for 24 Hours

Once a Year These Cacti Will Flower for 24 Hours

Photograph by Broken Inaglory Did you know there are cacti that only flower once a year and that the rare occurrence can last a mere 24 hours? In fact, certain species like Selenicereus grandiflorus only flower once a year at night and wither shortly thereafter. Two recent posts on reddit by Disguise_ready and SnugNinja…

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July 14, 2014 at 12:55 pm

Grandson Fulfills Promise to Shave Beard for Grandma’s 100th Birthday

Grandson Fulfills Promise to Shave Beard for Grandma's 100th Birthday

Scott Cleveland has had a beard for the last four years. And for the last four years his grandmother has disliked it. Two years ago he promised he would shave it on her 100th birthday. That day came last month and Scott fulfilled his promise. Happy 100th grandma! You stay awesome. Bonus: check out…

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July 14, 2014 at 11:06 am

Stunning Miniature Gardens Encased in Clear Glass Orbs

Stunning Miniature Gardens Encased in Clear Glass Orbs

Master glass artist Paul Stankard is world-renowned for his delicate glass flower and insect sculptures encased in clear glass. In the series below entitled Orbs, Stankard expresses his love and passion for nature through these amazing glass sculptures. Stankard’s work is represented in more than 60 museums around the world and he is a…

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July 13, 2014 at 12:59 pm

It Looks Like an Oil Spill but It’s Actually a Huge School of Anchovy!

It Looks Like an Oil Spill but It's Actually a Huge School of Anchovy!

At first glance it may look like an oil spill but it’s actually a massive aggregation of anchovy near Scripps Pier at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego in La Jolla, California. The gathering occurred on 8 July 2014 and the footage was taken by Scripps staff and underwater by Scripps graduate…

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July 13, 2014 at 11:07 am

Kid Puts Up Poster for Free Piano Concert. Event Goes Viral and Hundreds Show Up

Kid Puts Up Poster for Free Piano Concert. Event Goes Viral and Hundreds Show Up

It all started when eight-year-old Dylan Spoering put a sign on his front lawn promoting his free piano concert on 12 July 2014. Neighbor and fellow musician Thomas Rehbein noticed Dylan’s sign and posted it to Facebook saying: “I have no idea who Dylan Spoering is, but he made this sign and put it…

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July 12, 2014 at 12:57 pm

Picture of the Day: Crimson Skies at the Reds Game

Picture of the Day: Crimson Skies at the Reds Game

Photograph by Jamie Ramsey (@Jamieblog on Twitter) During Monday night’s Cincinnati Reds / Chicago Cubs game on 7 July 2014, a storm passed through that left the skies crimson red. The rain delayed play for about 20 minutes but left a treat for those in attendance. And how fitting for a Reds game! The…

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July 12, 2014 at 10:01 am

This is What a Flock of Hummingbirds Looks Like

This is What a Flock of Hummingbirds Looks Like

Not only is the sight of a flock of hummingbirds intriguing but they sound they make is amazing! Watch as a flock descends on two backyard nectar feeders.

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July 12, 2014 at 9:25 am

If Logos Had Honest Slogans

If Logos Had Honest Slogans

What if logos had honest slogans? What would they say? It’s a question Clif Dickens has been answering since December 2011 on his popular tumblr site, Honest Slogans. Below is a small collection of the Sifter’s personal favourites. You can find many, many more on Honest Slogans. You can also keep up with the…

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July 11, 2014 at 12:52 pm

Picture of the Day: Umbrella Sky

Picture of the Day: Umbrella Sky

Photograph by Fanfare Ciocarlia The Umbrella Sky Project (featured previously) is back in Águeda, Portugal. The art installation is created by Sextafeira Produções, who line select streets with colourful umbrellas. The tradition began three years ago as part of the local Agitagueda Art Festival that happens in Águeda each July. The photograph was taken…

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July 11, 2014 at 11:30 am

Two Hamsters. One Hedgehog. One Tiny Cake

Two Hamsters. One Hedgehog. One Tiny Cake

From the people who brought you a tiny hamster eating an even tinier burrito, is the joyous celebration of an adorable hedgehog’s first birthday. Curious about the ingredients? This was all 100% hamster and hedgie safe. The cake was made out of hamster friendly foods (like bananas and sugar-free applesauce) and the frosting out…

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