Picture of the Day: Zoomed Out Machu Picchu
A fresh perspective on a world wonder
A fresh perspective on a world wonder
The designers are extending the concept of terrariums and indoor grow lights into a hanging fixture
Gotta love the joy that something as simple as a paper airplane can bring 🙂
I did not see THAT coming!
In an ongoing Instagram series entitled #dinodinaseries, photojournalist Jorge Saenz uses toy dinosaurs to add a creative twist to his travel photos
“RUN BABY RUN” is a 3D printed animation, created 100% in camera, on location, with no green-screen or digital trickery. Over 2,500 unique photos were shot in the making of the video
Inspired by ants’ ability to transport objects far larger than themselves, researchers at Stanford used 6 microbots weighing only 100 grams to pull a car
Covão do Conchos is a spillway for the Conchos Dam near Guarda, Portugal
It doesn’t look like much, but behind a curtain and down a staircase, a speakeasy called Mendeleev Bar reveals itself
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