Earlier this month, National Geographic launched their photo-sharing platform, Your Shot (NGYourShot.com), which allows photography fans to connect with photographers and editors around virtual assignments and get direct feedback on their work. The platform’s first assignment invites photographers to share three images that convey, ‘how photography can help us explore our changing world’. At…
STORM’S A-BREWIN’ Photograph by Robert Edmonds / StormChaseGuide.com Storm chaser and NASA Fellow Robert Edmonds captured this jaw-dropping photo of a tornado in Loreburn, Saskatchewan, Canada. Edmonds says the storm produced multiple funnels, including the unique horizontal roll vortex at the top right, before finally producing a tornado. If you’re interested in…
When Lee Samantha was pregnant with her second child, she began making food art in an effort to encourage her elder daughter to eat independently. If she could achieve this, it would make the impending birth easier to manage. That was 2008, since then Lee’s food art has evolved and garnered her a massive following.…
A PLACE TO PONDER Photograph by Warachai Krengwirat/Photos of Thailand Seen here is a beautiful outlook point at Sai-Thong National Park in Chaiyaphum province, Thailand. For those not too afraid of heights, this would be an amazing place to reflect and ponder or to just soak in the beauty of our planet.…
Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to submit@twistedsifter.com!…
AIRPLANE VIEW OF ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER Photograph by JAMES KASTNER Website | Facebook | Twitter In this outstanding capture by James Kastner, we see the famous Manhattan skyline, with the now-completed One World Trade Center towering over everything. The photograph was taken from an airplane window as James traveled from Newark…
Artist Michael Paul Smith – Self Portrait For the last 25 years, Michael Paul Smith has used model cars, forced perspective and custom-built miniature displays in real-world settings to create Elgin Park, Smith’s version of a mid 20th century American town Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and currently living in New England, Smith’s model-making skills…
Photograph by Ramon Kristian Arellano Located 5 km (3 miles) from downtown Sucre, Bolivia is Cal Orko, an imposing limestone slab 1.5 km (0.9 miles) long and over 100 meters high (328 ft). On this steep face (inclination of 72 degrees), visitors can peer through time to when dinosaurs roamed the Earth over 68…
A BOWL OF RAIN Photograph by Eurico Zimbres In this brilliantly timed photograph by Eurico Zimbres, we see a perfectly aligned rain cloud seeming to fill the large bowl at the National Congress of Brazil building in Brasilia. The National Congress of Brazil is the legislative body of Brazil’s federal government. As…
Between 1910 and 1930, a series of 2500 ‘special photographs’ were taken by the New South Wales Police Department. As curator Peter Doyle of the Justice & Police Museum in Sydney explains: These ‘special photographs’ were mostly taken in the cells at the Central Police Station in Sydney and are of men and women…