Diet Wiegman is a Dutch artist that uses a combination of sculpture and light to create fascinating shadow art projected onto walls. Born in 1944, he began experimenting with light sculptures in the 1980s, inspiring a generation of artists after him to also explore the art style (e.g., Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Kumi…
CENTRAL PARK 90 DAYS APART Photograph by Michael Nguyen In this photograph by Michael Nguyen we see a statue in Central Park (Manhattan, New York) captured in the Autumn and Winter approximately 90 days apart. It’s nice to see that despite the season, the park still gets utilized. Nguyen remarked the two…
WAVES OF TIME Photograph by Chell Hill Shaped over thousands of years by the crashing waves, Kannesteinen Rock is a beautiful, heart-shaped formation located in the village of Oppedal, Norway, approximately 10 km west of the centre of Måløy. While difficult to gauge the size in the particular photograph, the rock is…
Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to…
COOLEST. DUCK. EVER. Photograph via ubomw on Reddit Why fly when you can surf? This is without doubt, the coolest duck in the history of our planet. It was uploaded to Reddit earlier this week by ubomw and has since spawned an epic photoshop battle. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to verify…
Photograph by Allison Shelley (via Finca Bellavista (FBV) is a sustainable treehouse community situated on 600 acres of land in the mountainous South Pacific coastal region of Costa Rica. FBV is the brainchild of Mateo and Erica Hogan, a married couple from Colorado who fell in love with Costa Rica. Today, the property…
At the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC) in Maryland, you will find the US Department of Agriculture’s Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscope (LT-SEM). One of the LT-SEM’s uses is for the study of snow crystals. Hydrologists study photographs of the grain sizes, shapes and associations in relation to passive microwave remote sensing in an…
THE EDGE OF INSANITY Photograph by Joe McNally | Earlier this week, internationally acclaimed photographer Joe McNally posted a heart-stopping photo to Instagram, saying: “My old battered shoes climbed the worlds tallest building today. What an amazing structure! Tweeting from 820 meters straight up!” The photograph was taken well above the…
Photograph by Bob Henricks Caddisflies are an order (Trichoptera) of insects with approximately 12,000 described species. They can be described as small moth-like insects with two pairs of hairs membranous wings. One of the most interesting characteristics of the caddisfly is the ornate and highly intricate protective cases they build as larvae. The caddisfly…
Ezra Stoller (1915-2004) is known as one of the most influential photographers of Modern architecture. Stoller was born in Chicago, grew up in New York and graduated from NYU in 1938 with a BFA in industrial design. During his prosperous career as an architectural photographer, Stoller worked closely with many of the period’s leading…