In this series we look at the incredible, over-sized oil paintings of fruit by Ohio artist, Dennis Wojtkiewicz [voy-KEV-itch]. While the realism is impressive, it’s Wojtkiewicz’s use of light and translucence that allows each painting to take on a meditative quality. Regarding his work, Wojtkiewicz states: “Each painting is constructed by beginning with a…
The Hoggar Mountains of Algeria Photograph by Brigitte Djajasasmita In this beautiful photograph by Brigitte Djajasasmita we see the Hoggar Mountains of Algeria. The Hoggar Mountains, also known as the Ahaggar, are a highland region in central Sahara, or southern Algeria, along the Tropic of Cancer. They are located about 1,500 km…
New York City graphic designer Jon Chonko has been faithfully scanning his sandwiches since February 20, 2009 (#12 below was the first ever). He posts the results on his addictive tumblr site From the colossal Dagwood to the classic BLT, you’ll find an extensive archive of both homemade and store-bought sandwiches. The successful…
THE SINGING RINGING TREE Designed by Tonkin Liu The Singing Ringing Tree is a musical sculpture standing in the wind on a hill (Crown Point) overlooking Burnley, UK. From far and wide, the tree’s profile is visible on the horizon, appearing and disappearing in the mist. The tree is constructed of stacked…
Aurelie Curie is an urban and industrial photographer. On Flickr she has an incredible photostream of urban exploration (or Urbex) and rooftopping photos. ‘Rooftopping’ is a niche of Urban Exploration that involves scaling the roofs of tall buildings (usually without permission). In the series below you can see the dramatic photos that can result…
SATURN’S POLAR VORTEX Photograph by NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute The center of this vortex was imaged in unprecedented detail by the robotic Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn. These clouds lie at the center of the unusual hexagonal cloud system that surrounds the north pole of Saturn. The sun rose on Saturn’s north pole just…
Rainbow-Coloured Stairs in Beirut Artwork and Photography by DIHZAHYNERS Art collective Dihzahyners painted this set of stairs in Beirut, Lebanon last June. The 73 steps took 7 hours to paint. For those in Beirut, you can check out the stairs located on Mark Mikhael street. For more colourful projects and inspiration be…
AURORA OVER WHITEHORSE Photograph by David Cartier Sr On August 31, 2012 a long filament of solar material that had been hovering in the sun’s atmosphere, the corona, erupted out into space at 4:36 p.m. EDT. The coronal mass ejection, or CME, traveled at over 900 miles per second. The CME did…
Located in the ski resort and mountaineering village of Zermatt, this beautiful multi-level penthouse was designed by local architect and artist Heinz Julen. The penthouse chalet features large picture windows and glass panels in the roof, bathing the apartment in natural light. The chairs and chandelier were also designed and built by Julen. The…
BRUSSELS FLOWER CARPET Photograph by Gaston Batistini The first Brussels flower carpet took place in 1971 on the Grand-Place by the landscape architect E. Stautemans. Since then there have been 18 flower carpets and they have appeared every other year since 1986. The main component of every carpet is the begonia. A…