Photograph by Hedwig Klawuttke The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics will be the first time since 1984 that the winter games will take place in Eastern Europe. The 1984 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XIV Olympic Winter Games, took place from 8–19 February 1984 in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, in present-day Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was the first…
THE GREAT(LY) OVERGROWN WALL OF CHINA Photograph by TREY RATCLIFF Blog post | on Flickr | Prints available Seen here is a section of the Great Wall of China tourists don’t typically see. as travel photographer Trey Ratcliff recalls: “Just to get to this point required a long walk through a rocky…
FIFE CABIN, ZION NATIONAL PARK Photograph by John Fowler | In another fantastic capture by John Fowler, we see Fife Cabin at Taylor Creek in the Kolob Canyon Section of Zion National Park in Utah. According to the Washington County Historical Society and Arthur R. Fife, a Professor of Geology…
Located near photographer Kai Fagerström’s family summer home in Salo, Finland, is a handful of abandoned dwellings in the woods. After residents had passed away or relocated, a group of feral animals took over the space. In a story published for National Geographic entitled Once Upon a Home in 2012, Fagerström explains: “When I…
The Abandoned Starlite Music Theater Photograph by Sébastien Barré Website | Flickr | Twitter In this incredible black and white photograph by Sébastien Barré, we see the inside of the abandoned Starlite Music Theater in Latham, New York. The building shut down in 1997, ending a 40 year run that saw entertainers…
SHIPWRECK BEACH Photograph by Robert Wallace Located on the coast of Zakynthos, Greece is Navagio (Shipwreck) Beach, an exposed cove often referred to as Smugglers Cove. The story goes that in 1980 Greek authorities discovered a boat suspected of smuggling contraband. The chase was on. During the pursuit and inclement weather, the…
Situated between the Bronx and Riker’s Island is a small parcel of land in the East River known as North Brother Island. The island is small, measuring approximately 400 meters x 250 meters. Together with its smaller counterpart South Brother Island, the two have a land area of about 20 acres (81,400 square meters).…
Experimental House was designed by famed Finnish architect Alvar Aalto in 1952. The house was built to serve as a summer getaway and also as an experimental laboratory to test out construction and architecture philosophies such as: foundation systems, free-form brick construction and passive solar heating. [Source] According to “The house is a…
Back in 2010, artist and photographer Rä di Martino ventured into the Tunisian desert to find the abandoned movie sets from Star Wars. The desert location was used in 1976 to film Lars Homestead on Luke Skywalker’s home planet of Tatooine. In Martino’s series entitled NO MORE STARS, she explains: “This is a series…
ABANDONED RAILWAY IN PARIS Photograph by Mister Boubou on Flickr The Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture (French for “little belt railway”) was a Parisian railway that, from 1852, was a circular connection between Paris’ main railroad stations within the fortified walls of the city. In a partial state of abandonment since…