Remember in the movie Tropic Thunder when Tom Cruise’s character Les Grossman is talking to Pecker? Right before the infamous dance scene, Les says: “I’m talking G5’s playa, no more frequent flyer b*tch miles for my boy!” He was referring to a Gulfstream G500. Or maybe you’ve heard that annoying song Like a G6 on…
Photograph by Vincent Costello Located on a coastal rainforest bluff overlooking the Pacific, Hotel Costa Verde near Quepos, Costa Rica, features one of the most unique hotel rooms I’ve ever encountered. A two bedroom, fully retrofitted, vintage 1965 Boeing 727 fuselage, available on your next vacation! Check out the incredible pics and information below on…
BIRDS OF PREY Photograph by Lockheed Martin A fleet of sexy Blackbird SR-71’s by Lockheed Martin. Awesome article on flying a Blackbird HERE via Lockheed Martin on Flickr
In 2004, a category was made (Light Sport Aircraft), a license was created (Sport Pilot), and the notion of consumer recreational flight was realized. The following year, Stanford Business Graduate Kirk Hawkins founds ICON. Hawkins, an accomplished engineer and former Air Force F-16 pilot oversees the creation of the A5 Light Sport Aircraft, available at…