I Want to Be as Happy as This Woman in a Chewbacca Mask

“Oh, I’m such a happy Chewbacca!” This is what life’s all about. The simple joys 🙂
“Oh, I’m such a happy Chewbacca!” This is what life’s all about. The simple joys 🙂
If you think parkour is hard, try doing it in a T-Rex costume!
Halloween is the perfect opportunity to let your creative juices flow.
Watch Alexis Noriega of The Crooked Feather show off her custom-made, articulating pneumatic wings.
You don’t have to break the bank to get dressed up for Halloween. Here are 24 cheap and easy DIY group costumes you can wear with friends!
Accompanying musical selection: 10/10
A group of students at the Japan School of Wool Art have created a startlingly realistic, gigantic wool felt cat head that can be worn as a mask. The project was led by the students’ art teacher, Housetu Sato. The head will be on display at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum from April 18-23,…
Halloween is a great showcase for fun, creativity and self-expression. Every year people make costumes that scare us, make us laugh and wow us with their ingenuity and craftsmanship. As one of the 50 largest websites in the world, reddit has become the de facto place online to share people’s amazing Halloween costumes. Below…
BuzzFeed sent staffer Ryan Broderick to New York Comic Con (which took place Oct. 9 – 12) to ask Cosplayers in attendance what their day jobs were. As expected, cosplayers come from all walks of life! You can see the complete 29-picture gallery at BuzzFeed. 1. Photograph by Ryan Broderick/BuzzFeed 2. Photograph…
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