From the people who brought you a tiny hamster eating an even tinier burrito, is the joyous celebration of an adorable hedgehog’s first birthday. Curious about the ingredients? This was all 100% hamster and hedgie safe. The cake was made out of hamster friendly foods (like bananas and sugar-free applesauce) and the frosting out…
Artist, photographer and baker extraordinaire Christine McConnell served up this delicious series of baked nightmares; from alien waffle cones to cookie monsters and the most metal cake you will ever see. The fantastic creations were posted by the multi-talented McConnell to reddit, where it was promptly eaten up, reaching the top spot on the…
Red Hong Yi likes to paint, just not with a paintbrush. Last year, Red challenged herself to create a new food portrait ever day for the entire month of March. Red has continued the tasty series which she shares on her wildly popular Instagram and Facebook pages. Below you will find a small gallery…
Earlier this year, 3D Systems introduced their ChefJet series of kitchen-ready 3D printers for edibles. The first two printers in the series are the monochrome, countertop ChefJet 3D printer (8x8x6″) and the full-color, larger format ChefJet Pro 3D printer (10x14x8″). Both are expected to be available in the second half of 2014. ChefJet printable…
NAKED FRUIT Photograph by Holger Niehaus Courtesy of the Van Zoetendaal Gallery In this “still life capture with a twist”, German photographer Holger Niehaus provides his take on the classic bowl of fruit image; stripping fruits of their skin and removing the bowl entirely. Art Daily has a great write-up of the…
Polish designer Zuzia Kozerska created an awesome series of laser-engraved rolling pins with a variety of designs and patterns. The rolling pins are made from beech wood and measure 42 cm (16.53 in) long and 6 cm (2.36 in) in diameter. The rolling pins are perfect for cookies but also work with cakes, pasta,…
Freelance designer/illustrator Bryan Dunn has drawn a different picture on his son’s lunch bag since his first day of school. That was two years ago and he’s taken a photo of every single one before filling it with food. Each drawing takes Bryan about thirty minutes and he usually completes them on his lunch…
The Barbecue Bible is an interactive book that features detachable pages that can be used to literally help you barbecue. Features include: A thick page of breakable coal, aluminum foil pages for baking, a page for sharpening your knife, a chopping board, apron and even a page made of salt! The limited edition book…
Sabrage is a technique for opening a Champagne bottle with a saber. In this informative video, Food Network celebrity Alton Brown shows us the proper technique for sabering a bottle of champagne. Sabrage became popular in France when the army of Napoleon visited many of the aristocratic domains. It was just after the French…