This Caterpillar in the Amazon Makes Itself Look Like a Tarantula to Avoid Predators
Monkey Slug Caterpillar (Phobetron Hipparchia, Limacodidae) from the Amazon Rainforest of Puyo, Ecuador
Monkey Slug Caterpillar (Phobetron Hipparchia, Limacodidae) from the Amazon Rainforest of Puyo, Ecuador
By treading water and keeping the corners of their mouth below the surface, a flow is created pulling the fish into the whale’s mouth
Crows (corvidae) are widely regarded as some of the smartest animals on the planet and this video is a perfect example of why
A caterpillar’s clever technique is caught on film
It looks like a mysterious figure walking on the ocean floor
If I’m lost in the wilderness, I want this guy (and his goat sidekick) with me
To catch their prey, blue-footed boobies can dive deeper than 20m and for longer than 30 seconds
To whomever is considering ambushing a tiger, maybe don’t?
Gusting winds won’t keep this bird’s eyes off the prize
World champion powerlifters, arm wrestlers, and strongmen vs monster Goliath groupers
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