Tag: ice

February 3, 2014 at 1:17 pm

Lake Superior’s Elusive Ice Caves Accessible for First Time in 5 Years

Lake Superior's Elusive Ice Caves Accessible for First Time in 5 Years

For the first time in five years, the ice caves on Lake Superior’s Apostle Islands are accessible, as the temperatures have dropped enough to freeze the surface and allow visitors to hike across the frozen water to the elusive caves. Prior to the big freeze, waves splashed across the cliffs of the islands leaving…

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January 26, 2014 at 3:30 pm

Picture of the Day: Lake Superior’s Fortress of Solitude

Picture of the Day: Lake Superior's Fortress of Solitude

LAKE SUPERIOR’S FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE Photograph via Dirtyflowerz on reddit In this amazing capture we see the frozen shores of Lake Superior awash with giant chunks of ice that look eerily similar to Superman’s Fortress of Solitude. Unfortunately there is not much information available about the exact location this picture was taken…

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January 10, 2014 at 4:36 pm

Picture of the Day: The ‘Wind Chilled’ City

Picture of the Day: The 'Wind Chilled' City

THE ‘WIND CHILLED’ CITY Photograph by Hank Cain In this aerial photograph by pilot Hank Cain, we see the beautiful Chicago skyline below on a chilly morning on January 7, 2014. The photo was taken with Hank’s iPhone and the image has quickly spread online in the last few days. If you…

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January 9, 2014 at 6:34 pm

Picture of the Day: Frigid Falls

Picture of the Day: Frigid Falls

FRIGID FALLS Photograph by Shaheen Karolia In this beautiful capture we see the famous Niagara Falls on a frosty winter day. The photograph, by Shaheen Karolia, was taken on January 2nd, 2014. According to FriendlyForecast, the weather that day was between -10 and -15 degrees Celsius (14 – 5 degrees Fahrenheit). The…

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January 6, 2014 at 10:42 pm

Picture of the Day: The Frost Forest

Picture of the Day: The Frost Forest

THE FROST FOREST Photograph by exploreroftheworld on reddit In this random capture by reddit user exploreroftheworld, we see frost on a window that looks like a miniature forest of evergreen trees. The image was taken from the user’s apartment in Montreal, Canada, with his iPhone. This frosty winter has certainly created its…

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December 30, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Artist Fulfills Late Mother’s Dream to Visit Greenland and Create Art

Artist Fulfills Late Mother's Dream to Visit Greenland and Create Art

Artist Zaria Forman In August of 2012, artist Zaria Forman led an Arctic art expedition called Chasing the Light aboard the Wanderbird up the NW coast of Greenland. The body of work—a series of large-scale pastel drawings on paper—sought to document climate change through art. As Zaria recalls on her website: “My mother, Rena…

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December 5, 2013 at 4:34 pm

Picture of the Day: A Stream of Water, Frozen in Mid-Air

Picture of the Day: A Stream of Water, Frozen in Mid-Air

A STREAM OF WATER, FROZEN IN MID-AIR Photograph by NinjaViking on reddit In this peculiar photo we see what happens when water pours out of a pipe and instantly freeze as it is exposed to the cold air. The photo, submitted to reddit yesterday, shows the accidental beauty that nature is often…

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October 10, 2013 at 7:01 pm

Picture of the Day: Cell Tower After Epic Snowstorm

Picture of the Day: Cell Tower After Epic Snowstorm

CELL TOWER AFTER EPIC SNOWSTORM Photographer Unknown via Reddit In this unbelievable photo, we see a cell tower completely covered in ice after what must have been an epic snowstorm. According to comments on Reddit where the image was submitted, this is most likely rime ice, which forms when the water droplets…

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September 30, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Picture of the Day: The Face of an Iceberg

Picture of the Day: The Face of an Iceberg

THE FACE OF AN ICEBERG Photograph by strummingmusic on Reddit In this photograph by reddit user strummingmusic, we see what looks to be the side profile of a large face on an equally large iceberg. The psychological phenomenon is known as pareidolia (the Sifter has as entire post on this entitled, 50…

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September 11, 2013 at 12:32 pm

Lake Michigan’s Famous Frozen Pier and Lighthouse

Lake Michigan's Famous Frozen Pier and Lighthouse

Photograph by TOM GILL Blog | Flickr | Google+ Located on Lake Michigan is the St. Joseph North Pier (google maps), which features two lighthouses (‘Outer’ and ‘Inner’) that were both built over a century ago. When the wind picks up during Michigan’s frosty winter months, large waves crash upon the pier and lighthouses,…

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